
Key Takeaways From Kazan BRICS Summit Declaration

© Photo Pelagiia Tikhonova / Go to the mediabankPreparations for the 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan. The 16th BRICS Summit will be held in Kazan on October 22-24
Preparations for the 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan. The 16th BRICS Summit will be held in Kazan on October 22-24 - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 23.10.2024
The BRICS Summit has adopted a final declaration that contains general assessments of the state of affairs in the world, as well as goals for the long term, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.
The BRICS countries have declared the importance of expanding cooperation based on common interests and further strengthening strategic partnership, according to the final declaration adopted following the BRICS Summit in Kazan on Wednesday.
"We reiterate the importance of further enhancing BRICS solidarity and cooperation based on our mutual interests and key priorities and further strengthening our strategic partnership," the document read.
The BRICS nations also welcome the significant interest from countries in the Global South in joining forces.

"We welcome the considerable interest by countries of the Global South in BRICS, and we endorse the Modalities of BRICS Partner Country Category. We strongly believe that extending the BRICS partnership with EMDCs will further contribute to strengthening the spirit of solidarity and true international cooperation for the benefit of all. We commit to further promoting BRICS institutional development," the declaration read.

Furthermore, the countries have called for a more active participation of the least developed countries, especially from Africa, in global processes.
"We call for assuring greater and more meaningful participation of EMDCs and least developed countries, especially in Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean, in global decision-making processes and structures and making them better attuned to contemporary realities," the document said.
The bloc also supports the aspirations of African, Asian and Latin American countries to play a more significant role in world affairs, the document added.
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa during a meeting with BRICS leaders in a narrow format as part of the XVI BRICS summit in Kazan. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 23.10.2024
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The BRICS countries have reaffirmed their commitment to multilateralism and preservation of the central role of the United Nations in the international system.

"Bearing in mind the need to adapt the current architecture of international relations to better reflect contemporary realities, we reaffirm our commitment to multilateralism and upholding international law, including the Purposes and Principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations (UN) as its indispensable cornerstone, and the central role of the UN in the international system," the document read.

The BRICS countries also reaffirmed support for a comprehensive reform of the UN, including the Security Council, to increase its representativeness.

BRICS on Conflicts in the Middle East, North Africa, Ukraine and Other Security Issues

BRICS leaders express deep concern about ongoing military conflicts and instability in the Middle East and North Africa, according to the final adopted declaration.
"We are deeply concerned over continued conflicts and instability in the Middle East and North Africa [MENA] region, noting the Joint Statement by BRICS Deputy Foreign Ministers and Special Envoys at their meeting of 25 April 2024," the declaration read.
BRICS leaders also called for prompt implementation of resolutions on "the Establishment of a Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East."
The BRICS countries are also gravely concerned over the ongoing humanitarian crisis and escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

"We reiterate our grave concern at the deterioration of the situation and humanitarian crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in particular the unprecedented escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank as a result of the Israeli military offensive, which led to mass killing and injury of civilians, forced displacement, and widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure," the declaration said.

The BRICS leaders also called for a "permanent ceasefire" in the Gaza Strip that needs to be adopted immediately.

"We stress the urgent need for an immediate, comprehensive and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages and detainees from both sides who are being illegally held captive and the unhindered sustainable and at scale supply of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, and cessation of all aggressive actions. We denounce the Israeli attacks against humanitarian operations, facilities, personnel and distribution points," the joint statement said.

Furthermore, the BRICS countries reaffirmed their support for granting Palestine the status of full member of the United Nations.

"We reaffirm our support for the State of Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations in the context of the unwavering commitment to the vision of the two-state solution based on international law including relevant UNSC [UN Security Council] and UNGA [UN General Assembly] resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative that includes the establishment of a sovereign, independent and viable State of Palestine in line with internationally recognized borders of June 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital living side by side in peace and security with Israel," the Kazan declaration read.

In addition, BRICS leaders called on all parties to the conflict in the Middle East to act with restraint to "avoid escalatory actions and provocative declarations."
Screenshot from a video of Cyril Ramaphosa delivering a keynote address at the 100 Days of the 7th Administration. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 15.10.2024
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BRICS members also condemned a series of explosions of pagers and walkie-talkies in Beirut on September 17 and considered them "terrorist attacks."
Moreover, BRICS states call for continued support for dialogue and peace processes in Yemen under the auspices of the United Nations.
“We stress the importance of ensuring the exercise of navigational rights and freedoms of vessels of all states in the Red Sea and Bab Al-Mandab Strait, in accordance with international law. We encourage enhanced diplomatic efforts by all parties to that end, including by addressing the causes of the conflict, and continued support for dialogue and Yemen’s peace process under UN auspices,” the statement read.
Speaking of the Middle East, BRICS condemned attacks on the UN staff in Lebanon and threats to their security, as well as called on Israel to immediately stop such actions.

"We express alarm over the situation in southern Lebanon. We condemn the loss of civilian lives and the immense damage to civilian infrastructure resulting from attacks by Israel in residential areas in Lebanon and call for immediate cessation of military acts ... We strongly condemn attacks on UN personnel, threats to their safety and call upon Israel to immediately cease such activity," the document read.

Furthermore, the BRICS countries are concerned about the escalation of violence and the worsening humanitarian crisis in Sudan and call for an immediate ceasefire between the regular army and the Sudanese paramilitary.
"We express grave concern over the escalating violence and humanitarian crisis in Sudan and reiterate our call for an immediate, permanent and unconditional ceasefire and peaceful resolution of the conflict with engagement in peace talks as the only way to end this conflict, sustained, urgent and unimpeded access of the Sudanese population to humanitarian assistance, and the scaling up of humanitarian assistance to Sudan and neighboring states," the joint declaration read.
BRICS leaders also condemned a brutal attack in Haiti’s Pont Sonde that resulted in multiple deaths and forced displacement of people, according to a joint declaration.
On October 4, the UN Human Rights Office said an armed gang attacked the town of Pont Sonde in Haiti, killing at least 70 people and setting fire to houses and cars, and called for international support to local authorities to investigate and bring justice to the perpetrators and victims.
Speaking of international security, the BRICS countries advocate for ensuring the long-term sustainability of space activities and preventing the deployment of weapons in space, BRICS leaders said.

"We reassert our support for ensuring the long-term sustainability of outer space activities and prevention of an arms race in outer space and of its weaponization, including through negotiations to adopt a relevant legal multilateral instrument to ensure global security," the declaration read.

BRICS leaders also urge taking more substantive measured in Afghanistan to prevent the use of the country’s territory by terrorists.
“We emphasize the need for an urgent peaceful settlement in Afghanistan in order to strengthen regional security and stability. We advocate for Afghanistan as an independent, united and peaceful state free from terrorism, war and drugs. We urge for more visible and verifiable measures in Afghanistan to ensure that the territory of Afghanistan is not used by terrorists,” the declaration read.
Overall, the BRICS leaders pledged to take decisive steps to curb the spread of terrorist ideology and radicalization and strengthen practical cooperation in combating terrorism.
"We commit to take decisive measures to prevent and disrupt the spread of terrorist ideology and radicalization, the misuse of modern technologies for terrorist purposes, cross-border movement of terrorists, terrorist financing and other forms of terrorism support, incitement to commit terrorist acts, as well as recruitment of foreign terrorist fighters," the joint declaration read.
The member states said they were committed to enhancing further international and regional cooperation to prevent and counter-terrorist threats "on the basis of full respect for the sovereignty and security of States and in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and international law."
At the same time, the BRICS leaders further said they rejected attempts to politicize counterterrorism issues and use terrorist groups to achieve political ends, calling for prompt finalization and adoption of the UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism.
Putin speaks at the meeting during the 16th BRICS Summit in Russia's Kazan - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 23.10.2024
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The topic of the special military operation in Ukraine also did not go unnoticed. The BRICS countries reiterated on Wednesday their positions regarding the current situation in and around Ukraine, saying they appreciated proposals that advocated for dialogue.

"We recall national positions concerning the situation in and around Ukraine as expressed in the appropriate format, including the UNSC [United Nations Security Council] and the UNGA [United Nations General Assembly]," the joint declaration read. "We emphasize that all states should act consistently with the Purposes and Principles of the UN Charter in their entirety and interrelation. We note with appreciation relevant proposals of mediation and good offices, aimed at a peaceful resolution of the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy."

The BRICS leaders are calling for strengthening non-proliferation and disarmament regimes to maintain global stability and security.
"We call for the strengthening of non-proliferation and disarmament to safeguard and maintain global stability and international peace and security," the declaration read.
BRICS countries also recognize the legitimate and well-founded security concerns of all countries.
"We stress the need to engage in conflict prevention efforts, including through addressing their root causes. We acknowledge the legitimate and reasonable security concerns of all countries," the document said.
Speaking of security, the BRICS countries have stressed the importance of implementing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran's nuclear program.
"We stress the importance of full implementation of the JCPOA endorsed by the UNSCR 2231 (2015) and underscore the importance of a constructive approach based on the good faith by all relevant actors to resume full implementation of the JCPOA commitments by all sides," the joint declaration read.
Preparations for the XVI BRICS Summit in Kazan. Kazan Expo Complex. The XVI BRICS Summit will be held in Kazan on October 22-24. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 23.10.2024
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BRICS on Regional and Global Economic Issues

Economic issues also formed an important part of the declaration. The BRICS countries reiterated on Wednesday their support for an open and multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization (WTO) at its core, while at the same time rejecting unilateral restrictive measures in international trade.
Furthermore, the bloc's leaders called for a reform of the Bretton Woods institutions to include greater representation of developing countries.
"We support a merit-based, inclusive and equitable selection process for the top positions at the Bretton Woods institutions, increased geographical representation and the role and share of women. We note the quota increase at the 16th General Review of Quotas and urge members to secure domestic approvals to make quota increase effective. We welcome the decision to create a 25th chair at the IMF Executive Board to enhance the voice and representation of Sub-Saharan Africa. We acknowledge the urgency and importance of realignment in quota shares to better reflect members’ relative positions in the world economy, while protecting the quota shares of the EMDCs, in particular, the poorest members," the declaration said.
The document added that the high public debt in a number of countries reduces the scope for budgetary measures to address the development problems complicated by external shocks.

"We note that high debt levels in some countries reduce the fiscal space needed to address ongoing development challenges aggravated by spillover effects from external shocks, particularly from fluctuations in financial and monetary policies in some advanced economies as well as the inherent problems with the international financial architecture... We recognize the need to address in an effective, comprehensive and systematic manner the debt vulnerabilities of both low- and middle- income countries," the document said.

Overall, BRICS countries on Wednesday called for a review of the international financial infrastructure to address the financial problems facing the world today.

"We underscore the need to reform the current international financial architecture to meet the global financial challenges, including global economic governance, to make the international financial architecture more inclusive and just," the declaration read.

Furthermore, the BRICS countries expressed concern about the negative impact of illegal sanctions on the global economy.
"We are deeply concerned about the disruptive effect of unlawful unilateral coercive measures, including illegal sanctions, on the world economy, international trade, and the achievement of the sustainable development goals. Such measures undermine the UN Charter, the multilateral trading system, the sustainable development and environmental agreements. They also negatively impact economic growth, energy, health and food security exacerbating poverty and environmental challenges," the document said.
Aside from that, BRICS leaders said that they supported further development of the New Development Bank (NDB), specifically through the expansion of membership and financing in national currencies.

"We support further development of the NDB and improvement in corporate governance and operational effectiveness towards the fulfillment of the NDB's General Strategy for 2022-2026. We support the NDB in continuously expanding local currency financing and strengthening innovation in investment and financing tools," BRICS leaders said in the joint declaration.

They urged the bank to fulfill its mandate in a "fair and non-discriminatory manner," saying that they "support the further expansion of NDB membership and expedited consideration of applications of BRICS countries."

"We welcome the use of local currencies in financial transactions between BRICS countries and their trading partners. We encourage strengthening of correspondent banking networks within BRICS and enabling settlements in local currencies in line with the BRICS Cross-Border Payments Initiative, which is voluntary and non-binding, and look forward to further discussions in this area, including in the BRICS Payment Task Force," the declaration read.

Thus, to boost investment into the Global South, BRICS supported on Wednesday the creation of a new investment platform within the bloc's NDB.

"We acknowledge the initiative to create a new investment platform to leverage the existing institutional infrastructure of the NDB to boost the investment flow into the countries of BRICS and the Global South mechanisms," the joint declaration adopted at the BRICS summit in Russia read.

The BRICS countries also supported the BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) as an "important mechanism to forestall short-term balance of payments pressures" as well as to further strengthen the financial stability of the member states.
"We express our strong support for the CRA mechanism improvement via envisaging alternative eligible currencies and welcome finalization of the amendments to the CRA documents," the declaration further read.
Promo cards of the BRICS Pay payment service, presented at the BRICS Business Forum in Moscow.  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 23.10.2024
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In addition, BRICS leaders agreed to explore the possibility of creating an independent cross-border settlement and depository infrastructure called BRICS Clear.
"We acknowledge the importance of exploring the feasibility of connecting BRICS countries’ financial markets infrastructure. We agree to discuss and study the feasibility of establishment of an independent cross-border settlement and depositary infrastructure, BRICS Clear, an initiative to complement the existing financial market infrastructure, as well as BRICS independent reinsurance capacity, including BRICS (Re) Insurance Company, with participation on a voluntary basis," the document said.
They also welcomed on Wednesday Russia's initiative to establish a BRICS grain exchange to ensure resilience of commodity supply chains and guarantee unimpeded trade.
The leaders said they were committed to minimizing disruptions in trade in agriculture products and fertilizers to ensure a continuous flow of food and essential inputs for agricultural production. They said these commodities should be exempted from "undue restrictive economic measures, inconsistent with WTO rules," including those imposed on producers, exporters and businesses involved in international shipping.
BRICS countries declared their commitment to combating illicit financial flows, including the use of cryptocurrencies for illegal and terrorist purposes, money laundering and corruption.

"We reiterate our commitment to preventing and combating illicit financial flows, money laundering, terrorism financing, drug trafficking, corruption and the misuse of new technologies, including cryptocurrencies, for illegal and terrorist purposes," the Kazan Declaration read.

The final declaration also talks about the importance of continuing to implement the economic partnership strategy until 2025 in all areas.
"We recognize the important role of BRICS countries working together to deal with risks and challenges to the world economy in achieving global recovery and sustainable development. We reaffirm our commitment to enhance macro-economic policy coordination, deepen economic cooperation and work to realize strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive economic recovery. We emphasize the importance of continued implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership 2025 in all relevant ministerial tracks and working groups," the document read.