Russia to Continue Work on Implementing Its 'Signature' BRICS Ideas, Russian BRICS Sherpa Says
10:35 17.12.2024 (Updated: 15:23 17.12.2024)
© Sputnik . Anatoly Medved / Go to the mediabankFinal meeting of BRICS Sherpas/Sous-Sherpas Sergey Ryabkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Russia's Sherpa in BRICS

© Sputnik . Anatoly Medved
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BRICS is an intergovernmental organization established in 2006. Russia's 2024 presidency of BRICS began with the joining of new members. Adding to Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, it now includes Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, UAE and Saudi Arabia; the latter has not formalized membership but participates in BRICS meetings.
Russia to continue the work on implementing its 'signature' BRICS ideas, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister and Sherpa in BRICS Sergey Ryabkov said, noting that these include the BRICS grain exchange and the transport dialogue.
"These are our initiatives, put forward in the year of our chairmanship. And there are many issues there," Ryabkov told Russian media.
Earlier, at the 2024 BRICS Summit, Russia secured support for a new BRICS Grain Exchange aimed at fairer agricultural trade. Besides, Russia and its BRICS partners are actively promoting global economic integration and improved transport and logistics, as evidenced by the BRICS Interconnectivity Declaration adopted at SPIEF 2024.