Sub-Saharan Africa
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Algerian Leader Explains What His Country Has in Common With China

© AFP 2023
 - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 22.07.2023
Algeria, which is on the same wavelength as China regarding international affairs, wants to cooperate with the latter, "because it is a great country that has enormous resources and respects others," the Algerian President said at the end of his visit to the Middle Kingdom.
On Friday July 21, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune ended a five-day visit to China at the end of which he granted an interview to the Chinese channel CCTV. Tebboune explained the reasons why his country had opted for deepening relations with China.

"Algeria is for Africa what China is for the world. We too started from nothing," he noted.

According to him, Chinese policy is free of "ulterior motives". It is driven by the sole concern of "helping those who ask for it."
"We want to cooperate with China, because it is a great country that has enormous resources and respects others," the president said.
Flags of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 21.07.2023
Sub-Saharan Africa
China Ready to Enhance Cooperation With Developing Countries Together With BRICS

"We are fighting for a better world"

The Algerian President believes that China "does not set conditions" and has no intention of imposing hegemony. The African peoples are aware of this fact.
He also expressed "great confidence in the wisdom of President Xi Jinping", recalling that currently "nothing is being done in the world without China".
Abdelmadjid Tebboune did not fail to mention the convergences of views between the two countries regarding international relations.

"We are fighting together for a better and more fair world. We want a multipolar world," he said, before adding that both countries felt that many things had to be reviewed in international institutions, such as the IMF or the World Bank "which are not at the service of poor and developing countries."

Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, shakes hands with Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 18.07.2023
Algerian President Visits China to Enhance 'Deep-Rooted Ties'

China will invest $36 billion

The state visit of the Algerian President led to the announcement of $36 billion of investments in his country.
"The projects and agreements concluded with the Chinese side are enormous and mutually beneficial for both countries," he revealed during a meeting with representatives of the Algerian community in China.
According to the President, thanks to the assets and advantages it has, Algeria "is a promising investment destination in vital areas, such as agriculture, energy, agri-food and the pharmaceutical industry," as well as in the sectors "tourism, transport, services, renewable energies and infrastructure."
During Tebboune's five-day visit, 19 documents were signed, including agreements, establishing cooperation between China and Algeria in multiple spheres, and a memoranda of understanding.
From China's point of view, it is the similarity of the difficulties that both countries have had to overcome in their history that lays the ground for fruitful cooperation.
"Sixty-five years ago, China and Algeria were brought together by the common cause of opposing imperialism and colonialism and seeking national independence and liberation," Xi told Tebboune.