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Child's Voice of Palestinian Pain: Sputnik Spoke With 'World's Smartest Boy' About Situation in Gaza

© AP Photo / Abdel Kareem HanaPalestinians look at the damage after an Israeli strike hit a tent area in the courtyard of Al Aqsa Martyrs hospital in Deir al Balah, Gaza Strip, Monday, Oct. 14, 2024.
Palestinians look at the damage after an Israeli strike hit a tent area in the courtyard of Al Aqsa Martyrs hospital in Deir al Balah, Gaza Strip, Monday, Oct. 14, 2024.  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 15.10.2024
Last Monday marked the one-year anniversary of the armed conflict in Gaza. Despite numerous mediation attempts, efforts to reconcile Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement haven't born fruit. Palestinian Presidential Adviser Mahmoud Habbash has told Sputnik that the ongoing Israeli offensive in Gaza is tantamount to a full-fledged genocidal war.
Ibrahim Abu Shbika has been awarded as the smartest child in the world. In an exclusive interview with Sputnik, he spoke about the living conditions of displaced people in Gaza camps, Palestinian children, and his media initiative.

Young Journalist

"As a true journalist, I document the events happening in Gaza and tell the world about the suffering of the enclave's residents. I help people, especially children. I have been protecting them and helping them since the very first days of the Israeli war in Gaza. The children here are starving; they have no food and, in general, there is no food or medicine in the enclave. There are many suffering and injured children who need medicine and functioning hospitals," he said.

The boy previously reached out to Tunisian media, sharing with them the hardships faced by Gaza's residents and the dire situation of children and women. He sent a message to the global community and US President Joe Biden, describing the horrific events unfolding before his eyes. As a child, he witnessed children with missing limbs and war crimes committed by the Israeli army on their lands.

"But I have risen from the ruins to call for peace," Abu Shbika said.

Samah al-Baalbaki with her son Elio al-Baalbaki. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 15.10.2024
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Speaking about the situation in Gaza, the boy noted that the conditions are extremely harsh, with a lack of food and drinking water. He and other children are forced to travel long distances and wait in long lines to obtain even a little water or food, but sometimes they get nothing.
"Why has the world remained silent about what is happening in Gaza? It seems as if the world neither sees nor hears our suffering since the beginning of the war. I call for support for the creation of an independent Palestine, to help Palestinian children, and to send more food and medicine. […] The people of Gaza need material and moral support, among other things. I want my message to reach everyone so that Israel's war in Gaza ends and all children can safely return to their homes and live in peace," he concluded.