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Lost in the Scroll: How Social Media is Diverting Africa’s Youth From Purpose and Progress

© SputnikEriseMary Mbunui Dinga, founder EMMI Empire Inc and ambassador of Youth Connekt Cameroon, at the Municipal BRICS Forum.
EriseMary Mbunui Dinga, founder EMMI Empire Inc and ambassador of Youth Connekt Cameroon, at the Municipal BRICS Forum. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 30.08.2024
Social media, once hailed as a tool for connection and innovation, is increasingly becoming a double-edged sword for Africa's youth. While it offers unprecedented access to information and global networks, it's also steering many young Africans away from productive pursuits.
Disconnection from reality due to a negative part of social media is worrisome given Africa's need for purpose-driven youth who can drive progress and innovation, EriseMary Mbunui Dinga, founder of EMMI Empire Inc. and ambassador of Youth Connekt Cameroon, told Sputnik Africa on the sidelines of the Municipal BRICS Forum.

"If we want to build Africa, we cannot build Africa with people who are disconnected from the realities. [...] These realities will only be changed by us accepting that we need to work hard. We need to change our mentality. We need to focus on innovation and creative thinking. We need to focus on acting, [and] on people achieving results, physical results, not social media results," she urged.

To address this growing issue, Dinga called for policies that limit the use of social media and promote more educational content. Such measures could help redirect the energy of Africa's youth towards activities that contribute to their personal development and the continent's future.
Dr. Nwana Sama Bernard, Chairman of Cameroon’s Upper Nun Valley Development Authority (UNVDA) - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 30.08.2024
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Dinga understands the value of hard work from personal experience, having grown up in poverty and overcoming numerous hardships. This inspired her to create the EMMI Empire platform, dedicated to helping young girls avoid similar struggles, discover their potential early, pursue their dreams, achieve financial independence, and advance their education.

"My mission is sustainable empowerment. I know the United Nations talks about sustainable development. I said [that] there is no sustainable development without sustainable empowerment, because it is empowerment that leads to development. [...] Sustainable empowerment is for the youth, of course, because they are the future [...]," she underscored.

As an African initiative, Dinge's platform helps to nurture new leaders. She emphasized the significance of homegrown efforts and platforms, while also highlighting the necessity for these initiatives to maintain high standards in order to be competitive and appealing to the African audience.
Discussing the future of youth, the speaker emphasized her dedicated efforts towards establishing an African Entrepreneurship Diplomacy Day to celebrate entrepreneurship, work, business, finance, and leadership.
"The more they talk about business, the more people want to create ideas. Another thing that I'm trying to do is create a platform for international connection, because I believe that when people interconnect, it brings development and change of mind. I am a product of many countries," she underscored.
To foster entrepreneurship among the youth, it is essential that we enhance mentorship, Dinge noted. Establishing mentorship forums in every region and neighborhood would be a significant step forward.

"They [young Africans] have crazy ideas; we pack their ideas; just put it together and help them navigate it in a positive way," she concluded.
