Situation in Bolivia's Armed Forces After Coup Attempt Under Control, Defense Minister States

© AP Photo / Juan KaritaSoldiers stand guard outside the presidential palace in Plaza Murillo in La Paz, Bolivia, Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
Soldiers stand guard outside the presidential palace in Plaza Murillo in La Paz, Bolivia, Wednesday, June 26, 2024. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 27.06.2024
LA PAZ (Sputnik) - On Wednesday, local media reported a military gathering in La Paz's Murillo Square, where government buildings are located. Special equipment was brought there. The military, led by General Zuniga, who had previously been dismissed as army commander, tried to break into the presidential palace using an armored personnel carrier.
The situation in the armed forces of Bolivia after Wednesday's coup attempt is under full control, Defense Minister Edmundo Novillo told journalists.
"We have full and absolute control in the armed forces. Everything is under control now, thanks to the military command. Civilian and military investigations will begin," Novillo said on Wednesday. "I would like to tell citizens to return to a quiet life."
However, nine people have been injured during the coup attempt, Deputy Interior Minister Jhonny Aguilera told journalists.

"These actors injured nine people. They used equipment and weapons that are used for protecting our security with the intention of overthrowing the democratic state," Aguilera said on Wednesday.

Earlier in the day, local media reported the presence of the military at Murillo Square, the central square of Bolivia's capital, La Paz, where government buildings are located. Bolivian President Luis Arce urged respect for democracy and called the events in La Paz a coup attempt. The Bolivian president also swore in the new heads of the military, air force, and navy amid the coup attempt by former сommanding General of the Army Juan Jose Zuniga.
Zuniga and two other military commanders were detained later on Wednesday after the prosecutor's office of Bolivia launched criminal investigations against the general and other participants in the coup attempt. Bolivia's attorney general's office accused Zuniga of terrorism and armed uprising.

Moscow Strongly Condemns Attempted Coup in Bolivia

Reacting to the attempted military coup in the Latin-American country, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that Moscow strongly condemns it, warns against attempts at destructive foreign interference in the internal affairs of Bolivia and other states.

"We strongly condemn the attempted military coup in Bolivia on June 26. We express our full, unwavering support for the government of President Luis Arce. We consider it unacceptable for the situation to go beyond the constitutional framework. Political resolution of any internal political differences in Bolivia is an imperative," the ministry said in a statement, adding that Moscow "warns against attempts at destructive foreign interference in the internal affairs of Bolivia and other states."
