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NATO & Kiev's 'Chance to Save Ukraine's Access to Black Sea:' Analyst on Putin's New Peace Proposal

© Sputnik . Alexey Mayshev / Go to the mediabankRussian Marines in the Special Military Op Zone
Russian Marines in the Special Military Op Zone - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 15.06.2024
At a meeting with the Russian diplomatic corps, the country’s President Putin declared his readiness to start negotiations with Kiev on the condition of the withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from Donbass and Novorossiya. The conditions also include the neutral, and non-aligned, non-nuclear status of Ukraine.
Russian President Vladimir Putin's new peace initiative is an "ultimate chance for NATO and Kiev to save Ukraine's access to the Black Sea," a French analyst, Xavier Moreau, told Sputnik Africa.
According to Xavier Moreau, this proposal could allow Kiev "to save at least Kharkov, but especially Odessa, the port on the Black Sea."

"And even if it is a neutralized port, without NATO, without Kiev’s army, despite everything, it is an important outlet not only for Ukraine but also for Eastern Europe, in particular for Poland," he explained.

A Russian soldier undertaking special training at a landfill around Zaporozhye  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 14.06.2024
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However, he emphasized that the option proposed by the Russian leader "will have an expiration date." According to Moreau, "it is likely that the Westerners will refuse."

"Anyway, the Democrats today are on the campaign trail. If they accepted this, it would signify the defeat of NATO and, therefore, of the Democrats and the total victory of Vladimir Putin. So there is little chance that this will be accepted, although, finally, given the balance of power on the ground, it would be a solution, I would say, the least bad," he concluded.

Iranian political analyst Ruhollah Moddaber earlier told Sputnik that the implementation of this peace proposal is the only way to settle the Ukrainian conflict.