Sub-Saharan Africa
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First Female EAC Secretary General Outlines Economic Development, Peace and Security as Key Areas

© Photo East African CommunityVeronica Mueni Nduva being sworn in as the Secretary General of the East African Community.
Veronica Mueni Nduva being sworn in as the Secretary General of the East African Community. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 10.06.2024
Veronica Mueni Nduva took responsibility for the position over Peter Mathuki, who was summoned back by the Kenyan government in March 2024 and reassigned as the ambassador to Russia.
Veronica Mueni Nduva, the recently appointed secretary general of the East African Community (EAC), stated that her main objectives will be enhancing economic integration to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, and employment opportunities, along with promoting peace and security.
She stated that during her inauguration at the 23rd special meeting of the EAC heads of state last Friday.

“Your Excellencies, my tenure will be dedicated to fostering deeper integration and promoting development for all our people. In this regard, my priorities will be to strengthen economic integration that encourages innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation. In promoting peace and security, a secure East Africa is the foundation upon which we can build lasting prosperity [and] advanced social development,” said Nduva.

Furthermore, the new secretary general emphasized that infrastructure development would be a top priority, highlighting the need for innovative financing methods and stronger public-private partnerships in this area.
Fighting climate change was also outlined as one of the focus areas.

“To promote climate-resilient growth, we will continue addressing the pressing challenges of climate change collectively as a region. This includes promoting green energy, sustainable agriculture, conservation efforts, and resource mobilization as a bloc,” she added.

Being the first female EAC secretary general, Nduva said she would prioritize promoting women and youth, who play a crucial role in the region's community.
Memounatou Ibrahima - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 24.05.2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
Woman Becomes Head of ECOWAS Parliament for First Time
At the end of May, the Union of West Africa — the Economic Community of West African States — also welcomed the first woman, Memounatou Ibrahima, to the post of head of the bloc's parliament.
One of the goals of Ibrahima is to establish a code of ethics and good behavior in the Community Parliament to stimulate the work of Members of Parliament and strengthen confidence in it.