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IGAD Calls on Eminent Persons Council to Take an Active Role in Addressing Regional Issues

© Photo X / @DrWorknehIGAD Eminent Persons Induction and Orientation Meeting on May, 18 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
IGAD Eminent Persons Induction and Orientation Meeting on May, 18 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 19.05.2024
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Eminent Persons Induction and Orientation Meeting took place on Saturday in Addis Ababa. It was attended by prominent figures from each member state that make up a council and are tasked with providing advice on key areas of IGAD cooperation (peace, trade, regional integration, and climate change).
The prominent persons and senior members play a crucial role in bolstering IGAD's endeavors to address the complex issues confronting the region, Ethiopian state media ENA reported on Saturday, citing IGAD Executive Secretary Workneh Gebeyehu.
He also urged them to actively advocate for the voiceless victims of the regional conflict.
Furthermore, Gebeyehu emphasized that the leaders of IGAD member nations provide unwavering support to the eminent individuals comprising the council of eminent persons and elders, according to the media.
Ethiopia's Minister of Justice, Gedion Timothewos, expressed gratitude to IGAD for their proactive efforts in organizing this council.
“I believe this is a very critical initiative in a region that is ravaged by conflict and discord,” he reportedly stated.
He also brought up the fact that IGAD's slogan is "peace, prosperity and regional integration" and went on to say that the council will play a pivotal role in making this goal a reality as its members hold the key to the community's knowledge.
Thus, Timothewos reaffirmed the Ethiopian government's strong commitment to supporting the council's initiatives and endeavors, the media said.
For their part, the members of the IGAD Council of Eminent Persons reaffirmed their dedication to collaborating closely with IGAD and national actors to address the region's complex problems and challenges in a way that embraces and honors the region's rich cultural traditions and values.
IGAD is a trading bloc of eight African countries: Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan and South Sudan, as well as Kenya and Uganda. The purpose of the association, according to the official website, is “transformation towards sustainable development, resilience and stability.”