Gabon's Military Takeover Leaders Adopt Transition Charter: What Are Their Aims?
© AFP 2024Interim President of Gabon General Brice Oligui Nguema after the parade

© AFP 2024
The coup leader in Gabon met with Central African Republic President Faustin Archange Touadera, acting on behalf of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), where they agreed to draw up a roadmap for Gabon's return to constitutional order.
The military leaders have adopted a transitional charter, which was published in the official government newspaper.
"We, the members of the defence and security forces of the Republic of Gabon, members of the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI), together with the viable forces of the Gabonese Nation, approve and adopt this Charter of Transition," the document stated.
General Brice Oligui Nguema was sworn in as the transitional head of state on September 4. He decreed to overhaul the Constitutional Court and appointed Dieudonne Aba'a Owono as its transitional president.
The charter outlined the objectives of the transitional period, which include rebuilding the government, creating new strong institutions, protecting territorial integrity, undertaking major political, economic and administrative reforms, enhancing the independence of the judiciary, protecting human rights, establishing a system of good governance, drafting a new constitution and adopting it by referendum, and organizing free, democratic and transparent elections.
The charter outlined the objectives of the transitional period, which include rebuilding the government, creating new strong institutions, protecting territorial integrity, undertaking major political, economic and administrative reforms, enhancing the independence of the judiciary, protecting human rights, establishing a system of good governance, drafting a new constitution and adopting it by referendum, and organizing free, democratic and transparent elections.
The charter also identified the transitional president, the national council, the government, the parliament and the constitutional court as the interim institutions of power.
General Brice Oligui Nguema was inaugurated the transitional head of state on September 4. He decreed to overhaul the Constitutional Court and appointed Dieudonne Aba'A Owono as its transitional president.
Former Gabon's Chief of Cabinet Raymond Ndong Sima (February 2012 to January 2014) was named as the prime minister of the transitional cabinet.
The seizure of power in Gabon took place on August 30th, when the military annulled the results of the August 26 presidential election that gave Ali Bongo Ondimba a third consecutive term. They dissolved the cabinet and suspended some other institutions.