‘Civil Forum’ in DRC Voices Opposition to Adoption of New Constitution for Country
© AP Photo / Jerome DelayCongolese President Felix Tshisekedi holds the constitution after being sworn in in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Thursday Jan. 24, 2019.

© AP Photo / Jerome Delay
The DRC's 2006 constitution established a semi-presidential republic. It emphasizes democratic principles, human rights, and the separation of powers. It limits presidential terms to two five-year mandates. The current constitution replaced a transitional constitution that was enacted during the country's peace process following years of conflict.
The "Civil Forum" (CF) movement, which includes organizations and citizen society initiative groups, including youth groups, has voiced its opposition to the drafting and adoption of a new constitution for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), CF coordinator Martin Milolo told local media on Thursday.
"It has now become clear that people close to the regime are seeking a third term for the current head of state," Congolese news portal Actualité quoted Milolo as saying. "We demand that the current constitution be left untouched."
Milolo reported that on November 9, the CF plans to hold a peaceful protest throughout the country against the authorities' plans to draft a new constitution for the DRC.
Earlier this week, the DRC's leading opposition coalition, the Common Front for Congo (FCC), opposed plans to revise the country's current constitution, calling on its supporters to mobilize to block the process of drafting and adopting a new fundamental law. One of the leaders of the FCC is considered to be the former president of the republic (2001–2019), Joseph Kabila.
DRC President Felix Tshisekedi announced last week that a commission would be established in 2025 to draft a new constitution for the republic. He stated that the current constitution "was drafted abroad and by foreigners." It was adopted in 2006 by referendum.