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Russia's Economic Success, New Opportunities for Africa: Cameroonian Expert on BRICS Summit Results

© SputnikPan-African activist Patient Parfait N'Dom at BRICS Summit in Russia's Kazan
Pan-African activist Patient Parfait N'Dom at BRICS Summit in Russia's Kazan - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 25.10.2024
BRICS economies show resilience thanks to balanced policies; by the end of 2024, the share of the BRICS countries in the global economy in terms of purchasing power parity will confidently exceed that of the G7 countries, Russian President Putin said at an expanded meeting of the BRICS Summit in Russia's Kazan.
Western sanctions have not succeeded in isolating Russia, which has been able to "redeploy itself" and which today shines in the scientific, technological and military fields, politician Patient Parfait N'Dom told Sputnik Africa on the sidelines of the BRICS Summit in Russia’s Kazan.

"The new world is being created here. Russia has suffered many sanctions. It was clear that it had to rely first on its own strengths, then redeployed internally and produced the miracle that we know," the expert said.

In terms of the Ukrainian conflict, the Pan-African activist noted that Ukraine, as a proxy of NATO, seeks to hinder Russia from protecting the Russian-speaking population.

"Ukraine is only a proxy of NATO that tries to dissuade Russia from protecting these Russian-speaking population, but above all to be a viable entity which will not accept being walked all over as the West has long done for the African people," the politician said.

BRICS Offers 'Instruments of Sovereignty' and More Options to Africa

Cameroonian politician Patient Parfait N'Dom told Sputnik Africa that the New Development Bank is notably a financial instrument that can help African countries that have been "stunted for a long time." In his opinion, BRICS is a formidable alternative to the G7 group.

"We are here today to note the advent of this new paradigm, this new global reality on the political, economic, but especially geopolitical level, which is put in place and which is a formidable alternative to the G7 and the Bretton Woods institutions especially, which have completely prevented the development of certain countries, including those of Africa and my country, in particular, Cameroon," the expert explained.

The Pan-African activist underscored that Western countries impose their economies on Africa, whereas BRICS doesn't place restrictions on the ways of the continent's development.
"It is a new horizon with this BRICS initiative supported by Russia, so that we can finally get away from Western imperialist dependence and that the question of the choice of each people and each country in their determination to be able to develop is not restricted by precisely what we see," the politician said.

Sputnik's Narrative is More Credible For Africa Than Western One

Sputnik was banned in Europe and the US because it provides a perspective that differs from the Western narrative, political analyst Patient Parfait N'Dom told Sputnik Africa.
"It’s because they are aware of the fact that we finally have the capacity in Africa to compare sources of information, the one that was the most credible in our opinion and the Western narrative," the expert noted.
The politician hopes that Sputnik will continue its work.

"We say bravo to Sputnik. You are doing a wonderful job. We hope that you will continue in this vein and that you will not be discouraged by the warning shots, is it not, of Western dictates and sanctions," concluded the analyst.

Plenary session of the XVI BRICS summit in the Outreach/Plus format. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 24.10.2024
Highlights of World Leaders' Addresses at BRICS Plus Outreach Meeting in Russia's Kazan
The BRICS Summit was held in Kazan from October 22-24. The event was focused on strengthening multilateralism, integrating new members of the association, and addressing regional conflicts. On Wednesday, the leaders of the BRICS member states issued a joint declaration.