BRICS Considers Context When Introducing Laws, South Africa’s Director for Rural Education Says
11:49 05.07.2024 (Updated: 11:58 05.07.2024)
© SputnikPhumzile Langa, South Africa's Director for Rural Education, at the X BRICS Civil Forum.

© Sputnik
Taking place in Moscow on July 3–4, the X BRICS Civil Forum addressed a variety of civil society issues, including education, human and economic growth, tech ethics, public health, environment, energy transition, and social justice. The BRICS leaders received civil society proposals from the forum.
Understanding context is crucial when introducing new laws, and BRICS considers this important, Phumzile Langa, South Africa's Director for Rural Education from National Department of Basic Education, told Sputnik Africa.
Often, when rules are enforced, they do not take individual contexts into account and typically operate under a "one-size-fits-all" approach, she argued.
“But this time I think we'll have our voices heard and also speak to our own context in our own countries and have themes that will work for us because those voices will be coming from us as part of these plans,” Langa said.
Furthermore, discussing BRICS as a representative for the Global South, she mentioned that it amplifies their voices, allowing them to start fresh and implement solutions that suit their needs rather than having systems imposed upon them.
“I'm just excited that we are part of this. So for me, it's a fresh start. It's something that I'm very excited about,” the director concluded.