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Top Russian, Congolese Diplomats Discuss Relations Between Moscow, Brazzaville

© Sputnik . Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Go to the mediabankRussian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (left) and Foreign Minister of the Republic of the Congo Jean-Claude Gakosso during a joint approach to the press.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (left) and Foreign Minister of the Republic of the Congo Jean-Claude Gakosso during a joint approach to the press. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 25.06.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold talks on Thursday with the President of the Republic of the Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso, who will arrive in Moscow on a visit, assistant to the Russian leader Yuri Ushakov said.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has discussed with his Congolese counterpart, Jean-Claude Gakosso, the strengthening of bilateral relations and the work of the joint intergovernmental commission, which is expected to meet in September, the Russian Foreign Minister said on Monday.
"During the meeting, topical issues related to efforts to strengthen the traditional friendly Russian-Congolese relations were discussed in detail, including the enhancing of the mutually beneficial partnership ... In this context, the parties stressed the importance of the meeting of the joint Russian-Congolese intergovernmental commission on economic, scientific, technical and trade cooperation," the statement read.
Russia and the Republic of the Congo are fostering cooperation in trade, the economy, investment, energy, mining, and infrastructure construction, the ministry added. The two ministers also spoke about the "sustainable expansion of interaction in the educational and humanitarian fields" between Moscow and Brazzaville.
Lavrov and Gakossore affirmed their commitment to deepening the political dialogue and maintaining close coordination at the United Nations and other forums, including on the Ukrainian crisis and the promotion of a multipolar world order, the ministry added.