Armed Clashes in Sudan
On 15 April 2023, armed clashes between the Rapid Support Forces and the regular army in the Sudanese capital Khartoum were reported. Later, the fighting between the military forces spread to other Sudanese regions.

Sudan, UAE Clash Over Sudanese Civil War Crisis at UNSC

© AP Photo / Yuki IwamuraRepresentatives of member countries take vote during the Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, Friday, Dec. 22, 2023.
Representatives of member countries take vote during the Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, Friday, Dec. 22, 2023. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 19.06.2024
The altercation transpired at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), when UN Assistant Secretary-General Martha Pobee pointed at the ethnically motivated crimes occurring in the western Darfur region of Sudan.
Sudan and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were locked in a verbal clash at the UNSC over accusations from the Sudanese government that the UAE was supplying arms and support to an opposing faction in Sudan's more than a year-long conflict.
UN Sudanese Ambassador Al-Harith Mohamed said that equipped with weaponry from the UAE, the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) allegedly "destructively launched" its war with the Sudanese military while targeting civilians. According to him, Sudan possesses proof that the UAE has supplied weaponry, and the government intends to file a report on UAE actions with the International Criminal Court.

"The military aggression launched by the Rapid Support militia, supported with weapons by the Emirates, is deliberately and systematically targeting the villages and cities," Mohamed said.

In response, UAE UN Ambassador Mohamed Abushahab said that Sudan's "ludicrous" and false allegations were intended to divert attention from "grave violations that are happening on the ground."

"If they seek an end to the conflict and civilian suffering, then why won't they come to the Jeddah talks? Why are they blocking aid? What are you waiting for?" responded Abushahab to Sudan’s ambassador, who was seated beside him.

At the meeting, the United Nations' Pobee called for an immediate cease-fire "to prevent further atrocities, protect critical infrastructure, and alleviate civilian suffering" in El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, which is under siege from the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces.
At the end of May, the Sudanese army turned down an invitation to resume peace negotiations with the RSF in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, an explanation of what the country's ambassador added.

"Whoever wants to create peace in Sudan must first come with pure intentions, and the United Arab Emirates is the state that is sponsoring terrorism," Sudanese Ambassador Al-Harith Mohamed said.

In January, UN weapons inspectors in Darfur presented "credible" proof that the UAE was supplying the RSF with weapons from northern Chad on a weekly basis. The US has called on all "external actors to stop fueling and prolonging this conflict and enabling these atrocities by sending weapons to Sudan," as US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said during the UNSC meeting.
A resolution requesting that the Rapid Support Forces quickly end their siege of El Fasher, the only city outside their hands, was endorsed by the Security Council last Thursday. In addition, the council asked Sudan's military and paramilitary groups "to seek an immediate cessation of hostilities."
Meanwhile, Russia's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Anna Evstigneeva, said that the UNSC resolution ignores the "principled comments" of the Sudanese and is not based on any agreements.
Although the situation in Sudan has gotten worse due to the conflict, the stability of the country has been weakened by Western actions taken against Sudan and its official government, she noted in March.
The UAE has refuted any participation in providing military assistance to any of the rebel groups in Sudan.
Mid-April 2023 saw the return of fighting in Sudan as long-simmering tensions between the country's military and paramilitary leaders erupted in the capital city of Khartoum and expanded to neighboring regions, including Darfur. Over 14,000 people have reportedly died and 33,000 injured, according to the UN.