Sub-Saharan Africa
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Mali Interested in BRICS, Creating Multipolar World Order, Foreign Minister Says

© Sputnik . Alexey Mayshev / Go to the mediabankMali Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop during an interview with RIA Novosti.
Mali Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop during an interview with RIA Novosti. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 19.06.2024
BAMAKO (Sputnik) - Earlier, Malian Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop told Sputnik that his country considers a strategic partnership with Russia to be important both in the field of solar and nuclear energy.
Mali supports the idea of a multipolar world order and is observing the development of the BRICS bloc of countries with interest, Mali's Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop told Sputnik.
"First of all, BRICS offers an alternative to development toward a multipolar world. We share the aspiration to create an alternative international system that could be more inclusive and offer a place for the countries of the South at the global level," the minister said.
Diop added that Mali is interested in the BRICS+ structure, which allows for exchange with non-BRICS countries that are trying to join the bloc.

"Some African countries, including South Africa, are already BRICS members. We believe that this new geopolitical reality provides Africa with an opportunity to reassert its sovereignty and have instruments to finance our development, together with a large number of countries that promote justice, diversity, and balance in international relations. We believe that African countries and Mali in particular should seize this opportunity," the Malian minister said.
