Putin Says North Korea Achieving Impressive Results in Industrial, Scientific, Military Areas

© Sputnik . POOL / Go to the mediabankApril 25, 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the State Council of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Kim Jong Un (left) during a meeting on the FEFU campus in Vladivostok.
April 25, 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the State Council of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Kim Jong Un (left) during a meeting on the FEFU campus in Vladivostok. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 18.06.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit North Korea on June 18-19. His Assistant for International Affairs Yuri Ushakov stated that a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement might be signed due to the deep evolution of the situation in the world. The document will not be directed against other countries.
North Korea is achieving impressive results in improving its defense capabilities, as well as scientific and industrial power, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

"We see with what strength, dignity and courage the people of the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea] are fighting for their freedom, sovereignty and national traditions. They are achieving colossal results, real breakthroughs in strengthening the country's defense and technological, scientific and industrial power," Putin said in an article for North Korean newspaper Rodong Sinmun.

Furthermore, Moscow and Pyongyang will develop humanitarian cooperation, and increase mutual tourist trips and cultural exchanges.
"Of course, we will develop humanitarian cooperation between our countries. Our plans include activating academic mobility between Russian and Korean universities. We will further increase mutual tourist trips, cultural, educational, youth and sports exchanges," Putin said.
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 14.06.2024
Putin's Full Speech at Foreign Ministry: Multipolarity, NATO & Europe, Russia's Peace Proposal
Aside from that, the Russian leader noted that his country will continue to support the people of North Korea in confrontation with Washington for the right to independently choose the path of development.
"Russia has consistently supported and will continue to support the DPRK and the heroic Korean people in their confrontation with the insidious, dangerous and aggressive enemy, in their struggle for independence, identity, and the right to independently choose the path of development," he stated.
The Russian president highlighted that North Korea, despite many years of economic pressure, provocations, blackmail and military threats from the United States, efficiently defends its interests.
"The country's leadership, headed by Kim Jong Un, has repeatedly expressed a desire to resolve all existing disagreements peacefully. However, Washington, refusing to implement previously reached agreements, is constantly putting forward new, increasingly tough and obviously unacceptable demands," Putin added.
Moreover, Russia and North Korea will develop payment mechanisms that are not controlled by Western countries and jointly oppose illegitimate restrictions.

"We will develop alternative mechanisms for trade and mutual settlements not controlled by the West and jointly resist illegitimate unilateral restrictions," the Russian leader revealed.
