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Russia and Djibouti Discussing Ways to Expand Cooperation in Fields of Education, Digital Technology

© AFP 2023 YASUYOSHI CHIBAPeople hold Djiboutian national flag as they wait for the arrival of Djibouti's President Ismail Omar Guellehas before the launching ceremony of new 1000-unit housing construction project in Djibouti, on July 4, 2018.
People hold Djiboutian national flag as they wait for the arrival of Djibouti's President Ismail Omar Guellehas before the launching ceremony of new 1000-unit housing construction project in Djibouti, on July 4, 2018.  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 10.06.2024
The II International Forum of Ministers of Education "Shaping the Future" takes place on June 10-11 in Russia's Kazan. It brought together representatives of 46 delegations from 39 countries, including those from African countries. On the eve of the forum, ministers of education of Russia and Djibouti held a meeting to discuss bilateral relations.
The Minister of Education of Russia, Sergey Kravtsov, held a meeting with the Minister of Education and Vocational Training of Djibouti, Moustapha Mohamed Mahamoud, where they discussed ways to expand cooperation between the two countries in the educational field and in the area of digital technologies.

“Djibouti is a dynamically developing state. Today, it has a population of around one million people. I am confident that each country is unique, so it is important for us to exchange experiences and best practices. We are ready to share our education standards, show the infrastructure of our educational institutions, and provide insights into the programs using which our teachers are currently educating students,” said Kravtsov.

In turn, the Djiboutian counterpart expressed interest in expanding cooperation with the Russian Ministry of Education. He mentioned that his country is actively developing in all areas; hence, one of the main tasks of the state is the preparation of qualified specialists.
He also noted that the African country is interested in the Russian experience in training specialists in the field of digital technology.
II International Forum of Ministers of Education in Kazan - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 10.06.2024
Russia's Kazan Holds II International Forum of Ministers of Education
Furthermore, during the meeting, Kravtsov also presented to his colleagues the main directions for the development of the Russian education system. He spoke about approaches to the educational process in domestic schools and secondary professional education institutions, emphasizing the importance of creating a unified educational and nurturing environment in the country.
The head of the Russian Ministry of Education also highlighted the significance of developing a digital educational environment. He shared that the federal state information system "My School" successfully functions in the country, providing students and teachers with access to quality educational resources. Additionally, the platform allows schoolchildren to communicate with friends, classmates, and teachers.
The II International Forum of Ministers of Education was organized by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the My History Foundation, and the Republic of Tatarstan.