SPIEF 2024
The 2024 edition of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) takes place from June 5 to 8. The theme of this year's event is “The foundation of a multipolar world - forming new points of growth”.

Sudan Tries to Stabilize Country by Strengthening Ties With Russia, Politician Says

© AP Photo / Patricia SimonSudanese Children suffering from malnutrition are treated at an MSF clinic in Metche Camp, Chad, near the Sudanese border, Sunday, April 7, 2024.
Sudanese Children suffering from malnutrition are treated at an MSF clinic in Metche Camp, Chad, near the Sudanese border, Sunday, April 7, 2024.  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 09.06.2024
Earlier, Sudan reassured its commitment to build a Russian Navy base in the Red Sea, and the project will be implemented, as Sudanese Ambassador in Moscow Mohamed Siraj told Sputnik. In 2020, Russia and Sudan signed an agreement that allowed Moscow to locate its naval base in Port Sudan for 25 years.
Sudan is trying to stabilize the situation in the country by strengthening ties with Russia, Malik Agar, Deputy Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council of Sudan, said on Thursday.

"We are trying to establish and strengthen ties with Russia in order to stabilize the situation and develop the country's economy," Agar noted during the Russia-Africa business dialogue at SPIEF 2024.

He also expressed gratitude for Russia's participation in the development of Sudan's economy, adding that both countries "have quite a rich history of signing many cooperation agreements in the fields of solving strategic military problems, healthcare, and education."

"We are solving international issues with our neighbors thanks to Russia's involvement, including striving for stability and stable development of our country and currently developing relations with CAR and other countries. Despite the conflict that is tearing our country apart, it does not prevent us from being here and planning further peaceful developments in the country," Agar said.

In addition, Sudan wants to cooperate with Russia in the fields of human capacity and technology for utilizing the African country's subsoil, the deputy chairman told Sputnik Africa on the sidelines of the SPIEF.
The ongoing conflict between the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese army erupted in April 2023. Since then, the parties have imposed a few brief nationwide ceasefires, but none of them have succeeded in bringing an end to the fighting.
The UN World Food Program stated that millions of people's lives have been seriously affected by the crisis and warned that there is a significant risk that the protracted conflict in Sudan will lead to the worst famine in human history.
Since the crisis began in April of last year, 15,000 people have died and 33,000 have been injured, according to a May study from the World Health Organization. The report also stated that 15 million people in the African nation still require humanitarian aid. The UN reports that over 8 million people have been displaced as a result of the fighting.