SPIEF 2024
The 2024 edition of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) takes place from June 5 to 8. The theme of this year's event is “The foundation of a multipolar world - forming new points of growth”.

Sierra Leone Seeks to Strengthen Mining Cooperation With Russia, African Country's Minister Says

© SputnikSierra Leone's Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Julius Mattai
Sierra Leone's Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Julius Mattai - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 05.06.2024
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Sierra Leonean counterpart Timothy Kabba held talks in Moscow in early May. They discussed potential collaboration in energy and mining projects.
Sierra Leone seeks to strengthen mining cooperation with Russia, the country's Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Julius Mattai, told Sputnik on the sidelines of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2024, taking place on June 5-8.
Other statements by Mattai:
Sierra Leone is to hold talks with a Russian group of diamond mining companies, Alrosa, which has expressed interest in mining diamonds in the country;
The West African country is negotiating with a Russia-based aluminum company, Rusal, to open a bauxite mining concession on its territory;
Freetown has signed a memorandum of understanding with Zarubezhgeologia, the international projects' operator for the largest Russian geological holding, Rosgeo. The document will allow Zarubezhgeologia to work in the country's fossil sector.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks during a meeting to mark the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Diplomatic Academy - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 07.05.2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
Russia, Sierra Leone Discuss Joint Energy Projects, Moscow Eyes Opening Embassy: Lavrov
Earlier in the day, Mattai highlighted that his country "relys on" Russia, which can share its experience in geology and hydrogeology to help the West African nation tackle the problem of access to clean water.