Sub-Saharan Africa
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Ethiopia's Participation in BRICS Will Help Solve Country's Socio-Economic Problems, Sherpa Says

© Sputnik . Vladimir Astapkovich / Go to the mediabankGovernor of the National Bank of Ethiopia, Sherpa of Ethiopia in BRICS Mamo Esmelealem Mihretu at a meeting of Sherpas and Sous-Sherpas of the BRICS countries in Moscow.
Governor of the National Bank of Ethiopia, Sherpa of Ethiopia in BRICS Mamo Esmelealem Mihretu at a meeting of Sherpas and Sous-Sherpas of the BRICS countries in Moscow. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 26.05.2024
The second meeting of Ethiopia's BRICS Plus National Ministerial Steering Committee took place on May 23, 2024. The purpose of the meeting was to evaluate and provide direction on Ethiopia's involvement in BRICS activities.
Ethiopia's active participation in the BRICS will help the country effectively address pressing issues, Ethiopian radio station FBC reported, citing the representative of Ethiopia in BRICS, Mamo Esmelealem Mihretu.
Participants of the meeting expressed confidence that cooperation with other BRICS countries can ensure Addis Ababa’s successful implementation of national development goals and expand the capabilities and connections of Ethiopian diplomacy. They also outlined a strategy for Ethiopia's participation in BRICS and reviewed the implementation of the memorandum of understanding signed by Addis Ababa with the bloc.
The national public broadcaster EBC broadcasts the launch of Ethiopia's very first micro-satellite (ETRSS-1) at the Entoto Observatory on the outskirts of the capital Addis Ababa, Friday Dec. 20, 2019. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 25.05.2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
Russia and Ethiopia Will Develop Roadmap for Cooperation in Space, Roscosmos Head States
Last week, Ethiopia's MP Dina Mufti said that BRICS would be crucial for Ethiopia's efforts to expand its global diplomatic relations and enhance economic cooperation. The bloc is expected to bring benefits to the East African country in terms of trade, tourism, financial support, and technology.
Ethiopia's participation in BRICS has also opened up more opportunities for space exploration. On Friday, during a meeting of the heads of BRICS space agencies in Moscow, Yuri Borisov, head of the Russian state space corporation Roscosmos, announced that Russia and Ethiopia would sign memoranda of cooperation to develop a space exploration road map.
The decision to invite Ethiopia to BRICS was made at the Johannesburg summit in August 2023, and Ethiopia became a full member of the association on January 1, 2024.