Sub-Saharan Africa
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Key Rebel Commander Captured by Ugandan & DR Congo Military

© Photo Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF)Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF)
Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 20.05.2024
The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), which is active in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is considered a terrorist organization in both countries. It was established in 1995 and is linked with the Daesh* terrorist organization. According to the United Nations, the ADF has been responsible for the deaths of many civilians since 2014.
The commander of the Allied Democratic Forces terrorist group known as Anywari Al Iraq was detained by the Ugandan military and the Armed Forces of the DRC in the ongoing operation, codenamed "Operation Shujaa," the Ugandan military said in a statement.
Anywari Al Iraq, also referred to as AA, is a specialist in Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and comes from Busia district in Eastern Uganda, according to the statement.
"During the operation, the following items were seized: one submachine gun (SMG); 45 rounds of ammunition; three walkie-talkies; one RPG charger; an assortment of improvised explosive device (IED) making materials," the statement added.
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Sub-Saharan Africa
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As a result of the operation, five women and four children were rescued in Ituri province in the Eastern DRC, the Ugandan forces said, adding that the ADF terrorists continue to be hunted down by joint forces.
Since 1995, the eastern part of the DRC as well as neighboring Uganda have been struggling with insecurity due to the activities of the Daesh*-linked ADF terrorist group, which was accused by the United Nations of killing hundreds of civilians since 2014.
* Daesh (ISIL/ ISIS/ IS) is a terrorist group banned in Russia and many other countries