Sub-Saharan Africa
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Presidents of Kenya and Somalia Meet in Nairobi to Strengthen Strategic Partnership

© Photo X / @WilliamsRutoPresident of Somalia, H.E Hassan Sheikh Mohamud met with his Kenyan counterpart, President William Ruto
President of Somalia, H.E Hassan Sheikh Mohamud met with his Kenyan counterpart, President William Ruto - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 19.05.2024
Last week, the neighboring countries signed an agreement to collaborate on political consultations, education, and defense, aiming to solidify bilateral cooperation for the mutual benefit of the people of the two countries.
Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud met with his Kenyan counterpart William Ruto in the Kenyan capital Nairobi for talks aimed at strengthening ties, the Kenyan presidency said.
President Ruto said that his country will continue to grow its relationship with Somalia, adding that the collaboration between the two countries is "bearing fruit."

"Our collaboration with the government of the Republic of Somalia is bearing fruit. The region is witnessing greater peace and stability. We commit to growing this relationship," Ruto noted.

The Somali presidency said the two leaders discussed "further enhancing the multi-faceted Somalia-Kenya strategic partnership, underpinned by a shared interest in promoting regional stability and prosperity."
The State Visit by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed
  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 28.02.2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
'Highlighting Key Areas for Collaboration': Leaders of Ethiopia & Kenya Meet in Nairobi
The last time the leaders of the neighboring countries met in Nairobi was a month ago.
Discussions then centered on joint initiatives to combat terrorism and general instability in the region.
Kenya and Somalia share a common security threat from the terrorist group al-Shabaab*, which has been staging attacks in both countries for years.
*Terrorist organization banned in Russia and many other states