- Sputnik Africa, 1920, 10.04.2023
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
On February 24, 2022, Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine, aiming to liberate and defend the inhabitants of the Donbass region, where people have been suffering from a blockade and regular attacks by the Kiev regime's forces since 2014.

Russian Forces Liberate Another Settlement in Kharkov Region, Defense Ministry Says

© Sputnik . Stanislav Krasilnikov / Go to the mediabankRussian servicemen fire a Giatsint-B 152 mm self-propelled howitzer towards Ukrainian positions in the course of Russia's military operation in Ukraine,
Russian servicemen fire a Giatsint-B 152 mm self-propelled howitzer towards Ukrainian positions in the course of Russia's military operation in Ukraine, - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 14.05.2024
The Russian armed forces have taken full control of settlement of Bugrovatka in the Kharkov region and advanced into the territory of Ukraine's defense, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.
Ukraine's military casualties reached 1,080 servicepeople in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) in the past 24 hours in battles with the southern, central and eastern groupings of the Russian armed forces, the ministry added.

"Over the past day, the enemy lost more than 520 military personnel, four vehicles, a D-20 howitzer, two D-30 howitzers [among other military losses in battles with the southern grouping," the ministry said in a statement, adding that the southern grouping improved its tactical position.

Russia's central grouping of forces has repelled eight counterattacks in the DPR, while Ukrainian forces have lost up to 405 soldiers in battles with it, the ministry said.
Russian servicemen in the special  military operation zone - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 14.05.2024
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
Ukrainians Can't Stop Russian Advance, Says US Military Analyst Scott Ritter
Russia's eastern grouping of forces has also improved its tactical position, while Kiev has lost up to 155 soldiers in battles with it, the ministry said.
"The Ukrainian armed forces lost [in battles with Russia’s northern grouping] up to 135 servicepeople, two armored vehicles, and 7 cars," the ministry said.
The western grouping has also repelled five counterattacks by Ukraine in the Lugansk People's Republic and the Kharkov region, while Kiev has lost up to 120 soldiers, the ministry added.