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Mali National Dialogue Proposes to Extend Transition Period by Two to Five Years

© Photo X / @GoitaAssimiMalian national dialogue
Malian national dialogue - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 11.05.2024
Following a series of coups in the West African country, the interim government has repeatedly postponed the election date. Earlier, Malian Prime Minister Choguel Kokalla Maiga said the country would not hold elections until the security situation in the country has stabilized.
The National Dialogue in Mali has concluded its work with recommendations to extend the transitional period from two to five years and to nominate the country's current interim president, Assimi Goita, as a candidate for the head of state election when it is held, said Boubacar Sow, general rapporteur of the steering committee, as quoted by local media.
"The aim is to enable the Malian people to use internal mechanisms of conflict prevention, management and resolution to find consensual solutions to the problems that plague our country," he said.
A total of 180 recommendations were reportedly formulated and adopted by the participants in the National Dialogue, including the prohibition of religious leaders, village, faction, and district leaders, and leaders of civil society organizations from engaging in political activities.
In his closing speech, the transitional president, Assimi Goita, promised to take all the necessary measures to "carefully implement and monitor the recommendations, always bearing in mind the protection of Mali's vital interests."
At the same time, he extended his hand to all those who had not taken part in the dialogue, inviting them to join other Malians in "building a lasting peace, an essential condition for any development."
Mali has experienced two military coups since the summer of 2020. The first, in August 2020, removed President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita from power. A group of military officers led by Assimi Goita appointed Bah N'daw as interim president. However, he was ousted by the same military group in May 2021, with a ruling by Mali's Constitutional Court appointing Goita as head of state for a transitional period.
The seat of the representative of Mali - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 23.04.2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
Mali's Political Parties Appeal to Supreme Court to Overturn Interim Gov't Ban on Political Activity
The country was originally expected to end the transitional period in February 2024 and hold free and transparent presidential elections. The date for the end of the transition was then pushed back to March 26.
After the deadline passed, the end of the transition period and the elections were postponed indefinitely. On April 12, the Prime Minister of Mali's transitional period, Choguel Kokalla Maiga, stated that presidential and legislative elections will not be held in Mali until the security situation in the country has stabilized.