US Popularity Reportedly Shrinks Globally, Most Dramatically in Muslim Countries

© AP Photo / Carolyn KasterThe White House is seen reflected in a puddle, Sept. 3, 2022, in Washington.
The White House is seen reflected in a puddle, Sept. 3, 2022, in Washington.  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 08.05.2024
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - In late April, the US polling agency Gallup released approval ratings in Africa for some of the major powers, showing that the US approval rating in Africa has fallen to 56%.
The United States' popularity has plunged worldwide since the spring of last year, experiencing the biggest setbacks in Muslim-majority countries amid Israel's ongoing military campaign in Gaza, according to the Democracy Perception Index (DPI) 2024 report released on Wednesday.

"The United States’s reputation has suffered globally between the Spring of 2023 and the Spring of 2024. This drop in positive attitudes towards the US is particularly stark in the muslim-majority countries surveyed (Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, and Algeria) as well as many European countries (Switzerland, Ireland, Ukraine and Germany)," the report said.

However, people in most countries, particularly in Latin American and Eastern European states such as Poland and Ukraine, continue to think that the US still has a positive influence on global democracy, the report added.
"Over the past four years, from 2020 to 2024, perceptions of the US's global influence became more positive around the world - peaking in 2022 or 2023 - and then declined sharply in 2024," the report observed.
Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the Russia–Africa Forum - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 25.04.2024
What's Behind Falling US Approval in Africa and Rising Ratings of Russia and China?
The DPI was based on nationally representative interviews with over 62,953 respondents from 53 countries conducted between February 20 and April 15.