Sub-Saharan Africa
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Two Stray Lions Found Malnourished in Ukraine and Montenegro Are Transported to South Africa

© Photo Four PawsLions Nikola and Vasylyna
Lions Nikola and Vasylyna - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 01.05.2024
Four Paws is an international animal welfare group organization established in 1988 in Vienna, Austria. It focuses on animals that are directly impacted by human activities, working to rescue animals in trouble, alleviate their suffering and protect them.
Two lions discovered two years ago wandering the streets of Montenegro and Ukraine, malnourished, have been relocated to a sanctuary in South Africa.

“We are happy to see that Nikola and Vasylyna have arrived at their forever home at Lionsrock after their long journey. [...]. [They] have had a turbulent start in life, now they have the chance to thrive in a species-appropriate habitat that allows them to express their natural behaviors,” Patricia Tiplea, Head of Wild Animal Rescue & Advocacy at Four Paws, was quoted as saying.

Four Paws transferred Nikola and Vasylyna – nicknamed ‘Nikolyna’ – to the Lionsrock Sanctuary on April 26 from a sanctuary in the Netherlands, where they had been sheltered since 2022.
Male Lion on Rock - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 03.04.2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
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Nikola, who was only a cub at the time of his discovery in February 2022 while wandering in the town of Budva, Montenegro, was born in 2021. He was severely dehydrated, malnourished, and lost, and he required veterinary assistance immediately.
In August 2022, Vasylyna, who was also born in 2021, was found wandering the streets of the Kharkov region of Ukraine. She couldn't climb or run as a result of underdeveloped muscles.
Both animals were privately owned.
A team from Four Paws, with the assistance of local organizations and authorities, transported both lions to the Felida Big Cat Sanctuary in the Netherlands, where they recuperated and prepared to travel to their home – South Africa.
Despite the fact that they got lucky and were rescued, Nikolyna represents an example of cruelty to big cats. Lions, tigers, leopards, and other large felines are all subjected to a "highly unregulated" and "ruthless" commercial trade in Europe, according to Four Paws. Many of them are exploited for entertainment and economic purposes, such as circuses, private ownership, and tourist attractions. These animals endure a lifetime in captivity in terrible conditions that prevent them from engaging in their natural behaviors, which are essential for their well-being.