Situation in Gabon

AU Peace & Security Council Suspends Gabon Until Restoration of Constitutional Order

© AFP 2023Местные жители радуются смене власти в Либревиле, Габон
Местные жители радуются смене власти в Либревиле, Габон - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 31.08.2023
A military takeover occured in Gabon on Wednesday, when the military ousted the recently re-elected President Ali Bongo Ondimba and proclaimed the head of the Republican Guard, General Brice Oligui Nguema, interim leader.
The Peace and Security Coucil of African Union (AU) has suspended Gabon's participation in the work of the organization until the restoration of constitutional order in the country, reads an official statement.

"Council strongly condemns the military takeover of power in the Republic of Gabon which ousted President Ali Bongo on 30 August 2023; Decides to immediately suspend the participation of Gabon in all activities of the AU, its organs and institutions until the restoration of constitutional order in the country, in line with AU instruments," the AU stated on social media.

What Is Known About Gabon? - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 30.08.2023
What Kind of Country is Gabon, Where Military Seized Power?
On Wednesday morning, the Gabon military announced the cancellation of the election results and the dissolution of government institutions. The head of the Republican Guard, General Brice Oligui Nguema, told French media that Gabon's President Ali Bongo Ondimba had been dismissed but would retain all civil rights.
According to the military, Ali Bongo Ondimba is under house arrest. Later, in a video message posted on social media by a local journalist, Ali Bongo stated that he was in his residence and did not understand what was happening. He added that he did not know where his wife and son were.