Politico Predicts 'Black Swans' for 2025, Including Secret Deal on Iran, Market Collapse

The shares of Brazil's multinational mining company Vale are seen on a screen at Sao Paulo's Stock Exchange (Bovespa) headquarters in downtown Sao Paulo, Brazil, on January 29, 2019.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - US publication Politico has compiled a list of unexpected events, or "black swans," that could occur in 2025, and may include the largest cyberattack ever, a secret Russia-US deal to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons and a US market collapse.
The publication noted that when compiling the list, various futurologists, experts, and foreign policy analysts were interviewed. Another probable "black swans" could be an epidemic of a new disease, as well as a possible compromise between the United States and China regarding the introduction of tariffs on imports of products to the States.
Politico also suggests that Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President-elect Donald Trump will conclude some kind of secret deal to stop Iran from "developing nuclear weapons."
As John McLaughlin, who served as acting director and deputy director of the CIA from 2000 to 2004, told the publication, the most unexpected "black swan" of 2025 could be the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. According to his assumptions, in 2025, measures will be taken to ensure that Palestine becomes a separate independent state.
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Another expert, Washington lawyer Nathan Park, called South Korea's nuclear weapons testing a possible phenomenon of the year. In his opinion, the South Korean authorities may announce their withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
The publication also predicts a possible market collapse involving artificial intelligence, which will provoke panic and for which the Trump administration will be unprepared.
Politico also believes that the US president-elect may also allow 13 Oregon counties to join the neighboring state of Idaho, where taxes are lower.