Ukrainian Intel Chief Reportedly in Contact With Hayat Tahrir al-Sham to Recruit Terrorists

BEIRUT (Sputnik) - In early August, a senior Ukrainian official acknowledged Kiev's involvement in a deadly attack against the Malian army and its Russian allies in late July in northern Mali. Following this admission, Bamako and Niamey severed diplomatic relations with Kiev.
The head of Ukraine's intelligence service, Kyrylo Budanov, is in constant contact with the leader of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham* terrorist group (formerly called Jabhat al-Nusra*) on recruiting terrorists in Syria's Idlib for the Ukrainian armed forces, Syrian newspaper Al Watan reported on Monday, citing sources.
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The recruitment is primarily of terrorists from among those from the former Soviet countries, the newspaper reported, adding that their preparation and transfer to Ukraine have been going on for at least two months.
*Terrorist organizations banned in Russia and many other states