Syrian Photojournalist Wins Online Audience Award in Stenin Press Photo Contest 2024

© Photo KARAM AL-MASRINever-ending tragedy
Never-ending tragedy - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 07.08.2024
Voting for the best photo in the Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest ended at the end of July. This contest provides a forum for young photographers—talented and sensitive individuals who are open to new experiences—to showcase people and events in their communities.
The best photo, according to the online voting, was Never-Ending Tragedy, a single image submitted by Syrian photojournalist Karam Al-Masri. Describing his work, he said:

“A woman is standing amid the rubble, looking at what remains of her house in Jandaris destroyed by the devastating earthquake. The disaster brought more suffering to the people in Syria, a country that had been ravaged by 12 years of civil war, hitting areas that even the war hasn’t reached.”

The top five shortlisted entries, according to internet users, included single photos and series by reporters from Russia, Myanmar, and Bangladesh.
The second place in the online voting went to Lily Flowers by Aung Chan Thar from Myanmar. The third place went to A Girl Near the Ocean by Muhammed Shamim Ul Islam from Bangladesh, while works by Russian photojournalists are in the fourth and fifth places, respectively – the single image Window of Time by Alexandra Novitskaya and the Light for the World series by Sergei Alekseyev.
The finalists, as well as the winner of the Grand Prix, will be announced by the Organizing Committee in September at
The Stenin Contest plans to launch a traditional roadshow, a touring exhibition of winning photos, on the international stage by the end of the year.

About the Contest

The Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest, organized by Rossiya Segodnya under the patronage of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, aims to support young photographers and draw public attention to the challenges of photojournalism today.
The general media partners of the contest are VGTRK state television and radio broadcasting company (Russia), SMOTRIM online platform (Russia) and Moskva 24 television channel (Russia).