Sub-Saharan Africa
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African Metallurgical and Mining Group Launches Exploration Works in Burkina Faso Village

African Metallurgical and Mining Group (AMMG) is an investor and owner-operator focusing on optimizing the value of mid-tier mining and mineral assets throughout Africa to benefit all stakeholders.
African Metallurgical and Mining Group (AMMG) launched exploration work in Dan village, Burkina Faso.
"We are delighted to officially commence our mining exploration activities here in Dan. This region has great resource potential," said Gao Ming Ming, Managing Director of AMMG.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Environmentalist Urges Africa to Process Raw Materials Locally for Economic Growth
The ceremony took place on June 15, reports Burkina24 media. The exploration phase is expected to last several months. AMMG will then start the mining phase on an area of 1,800 hectares.

"We look forward to seeing the benefits this project can bring to our village. We hope it will create jobs and opportunities for our young people while respecting our environment," said Bamory Ouattara, Chief of Dan Village.