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How Western Sanctions on Iran Contributed to Tragic Death of President Raisi & FM Abdollahian

On Monday, Iranian Vice President Mohsen Mansouri confirmed media reports that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his delegation, including Foreign Minister Amir Hossein Amir Abdollahian, died in a helicopter crash in northwestern Iran while returning from Azerbaijan.
The tragic death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his entire delegation, including Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, in a helicopter crash in northwestern Iran on Sunday has sent shockwaves through the region. Former Iranian FM Mohammad Javad Zarif has pointed the finger at US sanctions for the tragedy, alleging they contributed to the crash by restricting access to aircraft and spare parts.
Commenting on Zarif's statement, South African Ambassador-designate to India, Anil Sooklal, expressed concern over the impact of unilateral sanctions on Iran.
In an interview with Sputnik Africa, Sooklal highlighted the far-reaching consequences of these sanctions, including the embargo on aircraft and spare parts, which, he argues, directly hinder Iran's ability to maintain its fleet.
"It's unfortunate that you have this tragedy, but it is indirectly linked to those countries and entities that unjustly impose unilateral sanctions against Iran in violation of the UN system," Sooklal stated.
He emphasized that despite these challenges, Iran remains a vital player in the region, playing a crucial role in regional peace and stability.

"The country has not collapsed. It's not a failed state. It has been performing well economically, and Iran is a major role player in the region. You cannot have peace in the region without the involvement of Iran," the South African diplomat said. "Iran is an integral part in finding a solution to these challenges, including what is happening in Gaza at the present time."

Biography of Deceased 63-Year-Old Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi
Looking back on late President Raisi's tenure, Sooklal highlighted two key accomplishments: the restoration of diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia, achieved without Western mediation, and Iran's admission into the BRICS+ organization.
These achievements, according to Sooklal, significantly impact Iran's global positioning and demonstrate its commitment to building a more equitable world order.

"We live in a very changed world today and much of the tensions and security challenges that we find globally, be it in West Asia, be it in Eastern Europe or in Africa, it's all related to outside interference by the global hegemony that want to still control and dictate through emerging market countries from the global South in terms of what they should do in their best interest," concluded the former South African sherpa to the G20 and BRICS.