Israel-Palestine Escalation
Israel was hit by an unprecedented rocket attack from the Gaza Strip on October 7, with Hamas movement's troops infiltrating border areas. On October 8, the Israeli government announced that it had invoked Article 40 of the Basic Law, which means the country was officially in a state of war.

US Tried to Stop Course of History by Vetoing Resolution on Palestine Membership in UN

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - On Thursday, the UN Security Council convened and discussed the proposed resolution on Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations. The United States, which is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, cast a veto against adopting the proposed resolution.
The United States cast a veto against the proposed resolution on Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations is a hopeless attempt to change the course of history, Russian Ambassador to the world body Vassily Nebenzia said.

"Today's use of the veto by the US delegation is a hopeless attempt to stop the inevitable course of history. The results of the vote, where Washington was practically in complete isolation, speak for themselves," Nebenzia said after the vote at the UN Security Council on Thursday.

However, history will not forgive the United States for its actions, Nebenzia added.
Guterres Warns UNSC Against Actions That Could Unleash Larger Conflict in Middle East
On Thursday, the UN Security Council met to discuss and vote on the proposed resolution on Palestine's full membership in the UN. The US vetoed the adoption of the resolution. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom and Switzerland abstained, while all other members of the UN Security Council supported the resolution.
Earlier in April, Palestine officially asked the UN Security Council to consider its request for full membership in the UN. The request was supported by the Arab Group, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Non-Aligned Movement.