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Africa Knows BRICS is 'Alternative for Global Geopolitical Rebalancing', Cameroonian Official Says

© SputnikBRICS+ 2024
BRICS+ 2024 - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 23.10.2024
From October 22 to 24, the BRICS Summit is taking place in Russia's Kazan. It is the largest foreign policy event in Russia this year, with 36 countries participating, according to Russian Presidential Aide Yuri Ushakov, with 22 of them at the highest level.
BRICS is a real alternative for global geopolitical rebalancing, and African countries understand this, the first secretary of the Cameroonian United People for Social Renovation party, Serge Espoir Matomba, told Sputnik Africa.

"The BRICS is another world. In other words, it's the redefinition of a multipolar world," he said about the opening of the BRICS Summit in Kazan.

He also highlighted the importance of the bloc for the African continent.

"The BRICS say that we must listen to everyone, share with everyone, exchange with everyone, and allow everyone to exchange when they want, how they want, and where they want," Matomba emphasized.

This approach will enable African states to assert their sovereignty, "because that's what it's all about for African states, the true development of Africa by Africa, with fair, correct exchanges, with whom we want, when we want," the official added.