
Highlights From Putin's Meeting With BRICS Media Representatives

© Sputnik . POOL / Go to the mediabankPresident Vladimir Putin held a meeting with representatives of leading media outlets of the BRICS countries
President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with representatives of leading media outlets of the BRICS countries - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 18.10.2024
The BRICS Business Forum was held in Moscow on October 17-18 in anticipation of the upcoming BRICS summit. As part of this event, the Russian president gave an interview to representatives of leading media outlets from the BRICS countries.
BRICS has a great future since it represents almost all the new centers of development and power, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday.
"I have already said that new development centers, new centers of power are being formed ... and all of them are practically represented in BRICS. In this sense, of course, BRICS has a great future, in my opinion," Putin said during a meeting with media representatives of the BRICS member states.
BRICS has great respect for other associations and tries to cooperate with them, the president said, adding that BRICS is not directed against anyone's interests.
Furthermore, BRICS countries' work will have a beneficial effect on the situation in the world, Putin said.
Putin also noted that cooperation in the organization is very diverse and multifaceted, and it is going in all directions.
Putin Gives Interview to Leading Media of BRICS Countries - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 18.10.2024
Putin Gives Interview to Leading Media of BRICS Countries
The Russian leader further asserted that the BRICS expansion is the right step, as it increases the organization's authority and influence in the world.

"Practice shows that we are on the right track. Practice shows that we have made a good and right step in terms of expansion. I am absolutely convinced that this will increase interest in the organization, influence in the world, and authority. We are already seeing this," Putin said.

BRICS countries should treat new members of the association with respect, Putin added.
"All members of the association should respect the interests of the new participating countries. During this year, we have been doing everything that depends on Russia in order to gradually, calmly integrate all our new members into the work of the organization," Putin said.
Furthermore, Russia wants to offer its BRICS partners the use of digital currencies in investment processes for the benefit of other developing economies, the president revealed.
"We would like to suggest that such a serious attitude, such a serious issue, is the issue of using digital currencies in investment processes. And not only in BRICS member countries, but also by BRICS member countries in the interests of other developing economies that have good development prospects," he said.
The creation of a BRICS national currency is not being considered at the moment, Putin said, adding that the BRICS countries want to increase the use of national currencies in mutual settlements and are considering instruments for their expansion.
The president also noted that today's world economic leaders, including the eurozone, will eventually benefit from BRICS.

"If this work helps the development of the world economy, then in this sense it will be useful for those countries that are not part of this organization, BRICS. This goes without saying, I think, of course. And today's world economic leaders, in my opinion, will ultimately benefit from this, despite the fact that many of them are facing problems today. We know the problems of the eurozone," Putin said, adding that the eurozone is teetering on the brink of recession.

Furthermore, the BRICS nations have been working to identify BRICS partner countries due to the increasing interest in the group's membership, he stated, adding that Moscow saw members of the Commonwealth of Independent States as its priority partners.
"Interest in the work of BRICS and in participation in this work is growing: 30 states have announced their desire to work with BRICS. Therefore, we are now, together with colleagues... developing such a category as ‘BRICS partner countries'," he told reporters from BRICS member states.
The increase in the number of members of the BRICS group should not minimize its effectiveness, Putin added.
Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with representatives of the BRICS countries' leading media - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 18.10.2024
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Speaking of the Global South, Putin said that Southeast Asia and Africa will become centers of global growth.

"And this development, according to experts, whom I trust very much and whose opinion I listen to, will objectively take place; first of all, in the BRICS member countries. This is the so-called Global South, first of all, it is Southeast Asia; it is Africa. Positive growth will be in such powerful countries as China, India, Russia, in Saudi Arabia, but the outstripping growth will be demonstrated by the countries of Southeast Asia and Africa," he said.

The growing economic potential of countries in the Global South and Africa will be matched by their growing influence in the world, Putin added.

Russia, China Developed Unique Trusting Relationship, Putin States

The Russian leader also elaborated on China-Russia relations, saying that the two countries have developed a unique trusting relationship, and volume of trade confirms this.
"We have a unique relationship with China, it is true. They are very confidential and voluminous. Trade and economic ties are growing rapidly — according to our statistics, the turnover between our countries is somewhere between $226-228 billion, and in Chinese statistics, the trade is about $240 billion between our countries. Therefore, the numbers speak for themselves," Putin said at a meeting with the heads of the leading media of the BRICS member countries.
Russia's settlements with China are already carried out by 95% in national currencies, and the yuan is also used in settlements with third countries.

"In our trade with China, 95% is the ruble and the yuan. By the way, we also use the yuan in settlements with third countries, which helps strengthen the yuan as an international monetary unit," Putin said.

Moreover, Russia's share in China's trade is growing, Putin added.
"China is our number one trade and economic partner. But Russia's share is growing, and now Russia's share is the fourth in China's trade turnover. It matters to everyone," Putin said.
Vladimir Putin holds talks with Xi Jinping on May 16, 2024 in Beijing - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 02.10.2024
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The Russian-Chinese interaction is one of the key factors of stability in the world, the president added.

"I have already said many times, and I want to emphasize once again that Russian-Chinese cooperation in the international arena is certainly one of the key factors of strategic stability in the world. It seems to me that this is an obvious fact; such a position is shared by many," Putin said.

Putin further underscored that relations between Russia and China are built on an equal basis, taking into account each other's interests.

"Our relations with China are built on an equal basis, taking into account each other's interests. This is not an empty clichéd phrase; it is the way it really is; we listen to each other," Putin said.

Russia is not interfering in US-China relations, the president added, while the United States itself is dragging Europeans into deteriorating relations with China without asking their permission, the Russian head of state noted.

"Now actually NATO is being dragged in, and the Europeans are being dragged into Asia through NATO. No one wants to ask the Europeans - do they want to spoil their relations with China? To get involved there through NATO structures," Putin said.

The US is 15 years too late with its deterrent action against China, as it will not be able to stop the development of this country, the president said, adding that the attempt to contain China's development negatively affects the US economy itself and is counterproductive.
Prime Minister of Slovenia Robert Golob speaks during a Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, Friday, Sep. 24, 2024. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 17.10.2024
Israel-Palestine Escalation
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The conflict in the Middle East did not go unnoticed by the president, either. Commenting on it, Putin stated that Russia supports the creation of the State of Palestine.
"We have a traditional position since the time of the Soviet Union, which is, I repeat it once again, that the main way to solve the Palestinian problem is to create a full-fledged Palestinian state," Putin said at a meeting with the heads of the leading media of the BRICS member countries.
Russia maintains contacts with both Israel and Palestine, Putin added.
During the meeting, the president noted that the United States had destroyed the Quartet on the Middle East in vain because it was easier to coordinate all positions.
"I think we should return, maybe even expand this Quartet, talk about how to restore these territories [Palestine and Israel], how to return people who left this territory," Putin said.
Moreover, the Palestinian-Israeli issue will be discussed at the upcoming BRICS summit in Russia's Kazan.
"We have always assumed that the Security Council resolution, the decision of the Security Council on the formation of two states - Israel and a Palestinian State - should be implemented. This is the root of all problems, and I am sure that we will have to talk about it at the BRICS summit," Putin said at a meeting with the heads of the leading media of the BRICS member countries.
Furthermore, the situation between Iran and Israel is very tense; the military of both countries will fight directly in the event of war, Putin added.

"Everything is also very tense on the Iranian-Israeli track. There will be a war there; if it comes to that, God forbid, soldiers from both countries will fight directly," Putin said.

When asked about relations between Russia and Iran, the president said that they have allied relations.
Finding a compromise in the Arab-Israeli conflict is possible, but it is a very delicate area, he said.
"It is just that this is a very delicate area. Running ahead and talking about something publicly now seems counterproductive to me, because it can only cause harm," Putin said, adding that searching for solutions is in demand.
Russia is against any terrorist manifestations, including against Israeli citizens, the president said, adding that Russia is ready to take part in resolving the situation between Iran and Israel.

"As for the question of whether a compromise is possible [between Iran and Israel], it seems to me that it is possible. And if it is in demand, we are ready to do everything in our power in contact with both sides to help find these compromises," Putin said.

Balazs Orban, the political director of the Hungarian prime minister's office - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 18.10.2024
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
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The conflict in Ukraine also became an important topic of Putin’s interview. Speaking about the possibility of Russia's participation in the peace conference on Ukraine in Saudi Arabia, Putin said that this place is comfortable for Russia, but the question is what to discuss.
Overall, Russia is interested in ending the conflict in Ukraine as soon as possible, he noted.
"We are carefully monitoring [initiatives to resolve the Ukrainian conflict] with respect. We understand that all our friends, including the BRICS members, are determined to end this conflict as quickly as possible and by peaceful means. We are aware that this, of course, is an element of irritation in international and European affairs, in the economy. We are more interested than anyone else in completing it as soon as possible and, of course, by peaceful means," Putin said.
Russia is ready to have dialogue on peace in Ukraine, but only on the basis of the 2022 document, he added.
Interestingly, Putin revealed that Russia did not know anything about the proposals of China and Brazil to resolve the conflict in Ukraine.
"What China and Brazil proposed ... they proposed an appropriate plan [to resolve the conflict in Ukraine], we did not know anything about it," Putin said.
Neither China nor Brazil consulted with the Russian Federation in the search for solutions to a peaceful settlement in Ukraine and act independently, Putin added.
The proposals of China and Brazil on the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine are balanced, the president said, adding that Russia got acquainted with the proposals of China and Brazil on Ukraine, and believes that this is a good base to make attempts to find peace.
Commenting on the reports about the possible development of nuclear weapons in Ukraine, Putin described them as yet another provocation.
On Thursday, Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky said during the summit of the EU heads of state in Brussels that Ukraine needs to be invited to NATO; otherwise, Kiev will have to resort to nuclear rearmament. The Bild newspaper, citing an unnamed Ukrainian official, reported that Ukraine could develop nuclear weapons within weeks for use against Russia if the West refuses to accept it as a NATO member.
"This is another provocation," Putin said, adding that any step by Ukraine on the creation of nuclear weapons will be met with an appropriate reaction.
It is not difficult to create nuclear weapons in the modern world, but it is not clear whether Ukraine is capable of doing it, the president said.
Putin further stated that Russia will not allow the appearance of nuclear weapons in Ukraine under any circumstances, adding that Russia will track if any Western countries want to transfer nuclear weapons to Ukraine.
Speaking about the special military operation in Ukraine, the president said that it is counterproductive to determine the timing of its end.

"Setting deadlines is a very difficult thing and generally counterproductive," Putin said.

He added that Ukrainian troops are unable to use high-precision and long-range weapons of destruction, the president said, adding that NATO military specialists do it.
"NATO is fighting us, but with the hands of Ukrainian soldiers," Putin added.
Putin noted that the Russian army is becoming one of the most combat-ready and highly technological.

"The Russian army is certainly becoming not just one of the most high-tech, but also the most combat-ready," Putin said.

Russia is ready to continue fighting, Putin said, commenting on the progress of the special military operation.
Speaking of Russia's technological development, Putin revealed that Russia is building an icebreaker fleet that no one else in the world has.
"We are building an icebreaker fleet, which does not exist in the world. There is simply no such nuclear icebreaker fleet in the world, except for Russia," Putin said.
Russia has seven nuclear icebreakers, 34 diesel icebreakers of a very high class; they are powerful and modern, the president said.
"A leader icebreaker is also being built, which will generally chop ice of any thickness and will work all year round," Putin added.
The president also remarked that Russia is not trying to reshape the world order because it is happening naturally.

"He [the participant in the meeting from Egypt] said what we were claiming and striving to reorganize the world order. We are not really striving; it happens naturally. We are simply saying that this is an inevitable process, and we must react accordingly," Putin said, adding that changes in the world began even before the Ukraine conflict and Russia is trying to contribute to them.

Former Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Orabi during an interview with Sputnik in Cairo, Egypt, in July 2024. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 08.07.2024
Joining BRICS a Dream Come True for Egypt, a Win-Win Situation, Says Ex-Foreign Minister Orabi
Aside from that, during the meeting, Putin noted that trade between Russia and Egypt trade is growing, the countries are implementing joint projects.
"Our trade is growing, we are working on large projects. I must say that ... we are building a nuclear power plant, everything is going according to plan. I am sure that all these plans will be implemented. We need to move more actively regarding the industrial zone, which we have been talking about for a long time and are taking modest steps in this matter," Putin said.
Furthermore, Russia has traditionally had deep relations with Ethiopia, with many companies showing interest in working in the Ethiopian market.

"As for Ethiopia, we have traditionally deep relations, and spiritual, humanitarian ties are very good. And many of our companies are showing interest in working in the Ethiopian market - they are energy companies and machine-building companies," Putin stated.

Last but not least, Putin made a comment regarding the International Criminal Court (ICC). According to the president, it has no universal significance; Russia does not recognize it.
"The International Criminal Court does not have universal significance. It is one of the international organizations whose jurisdiction Russia does not recognize. Neither do many other countries in the world," Putin said, adding that ICC arrest decisions can be circumvented by signing intergovernmental agreements between countries.