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Nigerian Army Aims to Embrace 'Smart Soldier' Initiative to Enhance Operational Effectiveness

© Photo X / @HQNigerianArmyNigeria's chief of army staff emphasizes integration of digital technology in military operations
Nigeria's chief of army staff emphasizes integration of digital technology in military operations - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 17.09.2024
Army competitiveness is a pressing issue for Nigeria, a country constantly battling terrorist and bandit groups.
The Nigerian Army held a seminar on "Digital Transformation and Smart Soldier Concept" in Jos, Nigeria, highlighting its commitment to adopting a "Smart Soldier" concept for modernization.
The Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja, emphasized the need to leverage advanced technologies for enhanced operations.
“It must, however, be noted that transformation is not merely adopting new technologies; rather, it is about fostering a culture of innovation and encouraging adaptability in a rapidly changing operating environment. The success of this transformation will then largely depend on our ability to seamlessly integrate new technologies with the human elements to ensure that soldiers remain agile, informed, and prepared,” said Taoreed Lagbaja.
The army plans to equip its soldiers with artificial intelligence, smart devices, and wearable technology to improve communication, situational awareness, and decision-making in combat, enabling them to operate effectively in a digitized environment.
The Ascend 910 AI processor on display at the Huawei booth at the Artificial Intelligence Journey (AIJ) conference in Moscow. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 30.07.2024
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Drawing on lessons learned in the fight against Boko Haram*, the Nigerian Army has embarked on a series of technology-driven initiatives to equip soldiers with sophisticated equipment to defeat the enemy.
The Nigerian Army is modernizing with initiatives like a "smart" uniform that alerts commanders when soldiers are in danger, drones for improved situational awareness, new rifles, auto-aim technology, and enhanced ballistic armor.
*a terrorist group outlawed in Russia and many other countries