Sub-Saharan Africa
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Ethiopia is Beacon of Pan-African Freedom and Unity, Former FM of Sierra Leone Says

© Wikipedia / Le Petit Journal, 1898Menelik II observes the battle of Adwa against the Italian invasion army in 1896.
Menelik II observes the battle of Adwa against the Italian invasion army in 1896. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 15.09.2024
On March 1, 1896, Emperor Menelik II led the Ethiopian Empire to a decisive triumph over an invading Italian army at the Battle of Adwa. This victory secured Ethiopia's sovereignty and emerged as a powerful emblem of pan-Africanism.
Ethiopia’s historic role in promoting Pan-African values of freedom, unity, and resistance stands unmatched, according to Professor David Francis, former Foreign Minister of Sierra Leone.
As the cradle of humanity and the only African nation to resist colonialism, Ethiopia remains a symbol of hope and empowerment for the continent, he said in an interview to Ethiopian state media outlet ENA.

“Ethiopia is the origin of humanity. So what does simply mean that? It means that Ethiopia is the Center of pan-Africanism for two reasons. Firstly, let me talk about the victory of Adwa. Adwa is a victory for the rest of Africa. Adwa is a symbol of African freedom. We can achieve unity in diversity. [...] Most importantly, it's a symbol of black pride, heritage, freedom, and resistance globally,” the former FM was quoted as saying.

On March 1, 1896, Ethiopian forces commanded by Emperor Menelik II defeated the Italian army at the Battle of Adwa - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 01.03.2023
Battle of Adwa: Victory Over 'European Supremacy' Not Only For Ethiopia, But Also For All of Africa
From the inception of the Organization of African Unity to hosting the African Union headquarters, Ethiopia’s commitment to Pan-African ideals has been a constant force in Africa’s fight for independence and solidarity, he added.