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BRICS Cooperation Helps Boosting Multilateralism, Advocating UN Reforms: Ethiopian Official

Abdulaziz Ahmed Adem, a senior advisor to the Ethiopian National Intelligence and Security Service, speaks to a Sputnik correspondent on the sidelines of the 14th meeting of senior BRICS security officials and national security advisors in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Wednesday, September 11.
Abdulaziz Ahmed Adem, a senior advisor to the Ethiopian National Intelligence and Security Service, speaks to a Sputnik correspondent on the sidelines of the 14th meeting of senior BRICS security officials and national security advisors in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Wednesday, September 11. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 11.09.2024
Although this is Ethiopia's first year as a full BRICS member, Addis Ababa has participated in the BRICS security format on several occasions, underscoring the country's commitment to working with the group to address global security threats.
In an interview with Sputnik on the sidelines of the ongoing meeting of senior BRICS security officials in St. Petersburg, Russia, Abdulaziz Ahmed Adem, a senior advisor to the Ethiopian National Intelligence and Security Service, stressed the importance of collaboration in addressing global security challenges.

"We are working together to face the challenges of the globe in national security, regional and subregional security, exchange information, help each other, cooperate and give way to multilateralism rather than unilateral actions," said Adem.

The chief advisor highlighted the current global security landscape as "full of challenges," citing various conflicts and the growing influence of some powerful nations pursuing unilateral agendas.
Meeting of High Representatives of BRICS and BRICS Plus States Responsible for Security Issues - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 11.09.2024
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"When you come as BRICS, together, you could contribute to multilateralism, strengthening multilateralism and working towards reform of the UN. That will be a benefit for the whole globe and for BRICS countries, too," he said.
Adem stated that the most important agenda item for Ethiopia within the BRICS format is combating terrorism in all its forms, including state-sponsored terrorism. He emphasized the need for collaborative efforts to address this complex and evolving threat.

"The most important agenda is working together against terrorism – terrorism in different forms, terrorism as groups, terrorism as countries – to work together and face those challenges," he concluded.
