BRICS Will Establish Common Institution of Authorized Economic Operator

© Sputnik . Photo hosting agency / Go to the mediabankMeeting of heads of emergency services of BRICS countries in Kazan.
Meeting of heads of emergency services of BRICS countries in Kazan. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 08.09.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - BRICS countries are establishing a common institution of authorized economic operators in order to facilitate customs procedures within the bloc, Deputy Head of the Russian Federal Customs Service Sergey Shkliaev said.
A company that has the status of authorized economic operator is considered by the customs service a reliable entity and thus enjoys simplified customs procedures.

"As a result [of a meeting of BRICS heads of customs services], all the leaders signed a joint document which provides for establishing a new institution, namely the institution of an authorized economic operator of BRICS member states," Shkliaev said following the meeting.

 - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 30.08.2024
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In the course of the meeting, the parties discussed the issues of customs administration digitalization, the issues of institutional development, and law enforcement activity as the key issues of customs services interaction, the official added.
BRICS countries are also working on a joint agreement on mutual assistance in customs affairs, Shkliaev said, adding that currently four countries have already passed an internal finalization of the document, and currently it is being internally finalized by India. In the course of the meeting, the head of the Russian customs service called on BRICS members to accelerate their work on the document.
Shkliaev also commented on agreements that were reached in the course of customs experience exchange among the BRICS members, adding that Ethiopia proposed to establish a joint BRICS customs academy.

"This idea was conceptually supported, and not waiting for the creation of such an institution, all the countries expressed their readiness to exchange officials and conduct training in specialized educational institutions," he added.

The main goal is to establish united customs administration approaches in all BRICS member states, the official said.