- Sputnik Africa, 1920, 10.04.2023
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
On February 24, 2022, Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine, aiming to liberate and defend the inhabitants of the Donbass region, where people have been suffering from a blockade and regular attacks by the Kiev regime's forces since 2014.

US Lawmaker Says Zelensky’s Forced Mobilization Wiping Out Generation of Ukrainian Men

© Sputnik . Valeri Charifouline / Go to the mediabankVolodymyr Zelensky
Volodymyr Zelensky - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 21.08.2024
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene said on Tuesday that Volodymyr Zelensky’s forced mobilization is wiping out an entire generation of Ukrainian men and called on her colleagues to push for a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine amid the ongoing conflict.
"Washington’s obsession with funding war with Russia in Ukraine is going to wipe out an entire generation of Ukrainian men. We should be pushing for a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine, not paying for them to be slaughtered," Greene said via X. "When will all of my colleagues join me in calling for peace in Ukraine?"
Zelensky has gone as far as to forcibly conscript men with one leg while young women have to go deep underground to work in dangerous mines, she said.
The congresswoman's comment came in response to a New York Times article describing how young Ukrainian women must now replace their mobilized men in heavy industry jobs amid a record labor shortage caused by heavy battlefield casualties among Ukrainian men.
Martial law was introduced in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and the following day Zelensky signed a decree on general mobilization, which has only toughened since then due to Kiev's reckless military operations and heavy losses.
Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 are prohibited from leaving the country for the duration of martial law. Evasion of military service during mobilization in the country is punishable by imprisonment for up to five years.
Russia has been conducting a special military operation in Ukraine since February 24, 2022. President Vladimir Putin has said that the operation aims to "protect people subjected to genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years." Putin said that it is necessary to remove military forces and Nazi elements from Ukraine to achieve these goals.