Sub-Saharan Africa
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Kenya's President Announces Opposition Members in Cabinet, Protests Continue Despite Concessions

© AP Photo / Susan WalshПрезидент Кении Уильям Руто выступает с основным докладом во время бизнес-форума США-Кения в Вашингтоне
Президент Кении Уильям Руто выступает с основным докладом во время бизнес-форума США-Кения в Вашингтоне - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 25.07.2024
Protests against proposed tax increases in Kenya began peacefully but have escalated into violence in recent weeks. More than 50 people have been killed in the six weeks of protests in the East African country. In response, President William Ruto reversed planned tax increases, fired his cabinet, and began forming a "unity government."
Kenyan President William Ruto on Wednesday appointed four members of the opposition party to his new cabinet, fulfilling a promise for a "broad-based" government in response to weeks of nationwide protests.
However, activists have criticized the move, viewing it as a political maneuver rather than a genuine attempt at unity.
The opposition members, including John Mbadi, who is slated to head the finance ministry, are allies of opposition leader Raila Odinga, whom Ruto defeated in the 2022 election.
Ruto described the new government as a "visionary partnership" for Kenya's transformation, thanking those involved for their "patriotic gesture."
 - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 21.07.2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
Ruto Says Kenya Demos Must Stop, Opposition Urges 'Justice'
Despite the concessions, including the withdrawal of a controversial tax increase, protesters, who have called for Ruto's resignation and broader reforms to combat corruption, remain unconvinced.
Over 50 people have been killed during the six weeks of protests. The demonstrations have continued despite the tax withdrawal, with activists planning a march on Thursday to present a petition to the president and commemorate those killed during the violent protests.
Odinga's party, the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), has denied being in negotiations with the government for a coalition or political arrangement.