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AU Unveils Its AI Strategy to Safeguard Culture and Boost Development in Africa

© Photo African UnionAU Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy, and Digitization Amani Abou-Zeid
AU Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy, and Digitization Amani Abou-Zeid - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 21.07.2024
In June, the AU's Specialized Technical Committee on Communications and ICT held an online session with over 130 African ministers and experts. They approved the African Digital Compact, a vision for using digital technologies to support development, economic growth, and societal well-being across the continent.
The Executive Council of the African Union Commission approved an AI Strategy and Digital Compact for Africa during its 45th Ordinary Session in Accra, Ghana, on Friday. The strategy aims to utilize AI to safeguard African identity, culture, and dignity, promote socio-economic development, and prevent unethical use.
AU Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy, and Digitization, Amani Abou-Zeid, told reporters on Friday that the AI strategy has been submitted to the United Nations to clarify Africa's stance on AI.
She highlighted that the strategy will foster a conducive environment for digital technology development and use.

"The technology must help us preserve our identity, preserve our languages and cultures, and be helpful rather than harm us," the commissioner was quoted as saying by the media.

Abou-Zeid stated that the strategies would establish an enabling environment for the development and utilization of digital technology. She also mentioned that the AU policy would serve as a guide for the governments of the various members in creating the necessary policy and regulatory frameworks for the industry, according to the media report.
"The strategies will help us create a single digital market and guide all sovereign countries on how to use digital technology to boost their development processes," she said.
The commissioner also mentioned that while seven African countries currently have AI policies, the AU aims for all members to develop their own.

"There must be rules and regulations to punish the negative use of AI and digital technologies to prevent further abuse," she emphasized.
