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Terrorist Attack in West Niger Results 21 Deaths, Three Days National Mourning Declared

© AP Photo / STRNigerien soldiers walk near debris after suicide bombers blew themselves up inside a military barracks, in Agadez, northern Niger
Nigerien soldiers walk near debris after suicide bombers blew themselves up inside a military barracks, in Agadez, northern Niger - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 26.06.2024
The attack occurred near the village of Tassia, located in the West Niger Tillaberi region, which borders Mali and Burkina Faso. The region is unstable, with militants affiliated with the Daesh* group and al-Qaeda* waging a violent insurgency.
A total of 21 individuals, including 20 soldiers and a civilian, were killed in an attack on security forces by a "coalition of armed terrorist groups" near the village of Tassia, the country's state news agency reported, citing the Nigerien Defense Ministry.
The assault resulted in the injury of nine military personnel and damage to two army vehicles, the statement reportedly said.

According to the report, the vehicles, and communication devices were destroyed, and several dozen terrorists were neutralized. Additionally, air and ground reinforcements were deployed to locate and eliminate the remaining assailants.
The Nigerien authorities have declared three days of national mourning, beginning Wednesday, during which flags will be lowered to half-mast in remembrance of the deceased servicemen.
The Tillabery region in the western part of the country has been the subject of recurring attacks by terrorist groups, threatening public order and the security of the population, the state news agency noted. A state of security emergency has been declared since 2017.
*Daesh (ISIL/ ISIS/ IS) and al-Qaeda are terrorist organizations banned in Russia and many other countries