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Russian Pilgrim Who Saved African Child in Mecca Says She Couldn't Stand Aside in Emergency

© SputnikRussian Muslim pilgrim, doctor Aida Abdurakhmanova
Russian Muslim pilgrim, doctor Aida Abdurakhmanova - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 26.06.2024
Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam, a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia, which every Muslim must make once in their lifetime. Saudi authorities revealed late last week that over 1,300 people lost their lives during this year's pilgrimage due to the extremely high temperatures.
A Russian Muslim pilgrim from the country's Republic of Dagestan, located in the Caucasus, Aida Abdurakhmanova, could not simply stay away from the emergency when she noticed an African child suffocating during the Hajj in Islam's holy city of Mecca.

"I saw that the child was not feeling well. I took him from his mother's arms and noticed that he wasn't breathing and was completely blue. I began to clear the mucus from his airways with a simple flick of my finger. I cleared his airways by patting him on the back," she told Sputnik Africa about how she helped a child suffering from the heat.

Aida then explained to the child's mother how to react in such situations.

"A very large number of people participated in the Hajj. I myself didn't expect it to be so difficult. In situations like this, when I see someone who is sick, as a doctor, I can't stay away," said Aida.

Despite these difficult conditions, Aida emphasized how important it was for her to visit Islam's holy sites.
"Going on a pilgrimage is first and foremost about spiritual balance and purification. For me, it's an unforgettable new beginning, a special connection with the Almighty," she explained.