Sub-Saharan Africa
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Niger to Use Chad's Pipeline for Oil Exports Instead of Benin's One

© AFP 2023 SOULEYMANE AG ANARAThis aerial view from July 29, 2021, shows a general view of Niger's capital Niamey.
This aerial view from July 29, 2021, shows a general view of Niger's capital Niamey. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 26.06.2024
During the night of June 16-17, a section of the Niger-Benin oil pipeline, which can transport 90,000 barrels per day and spans nearly 2,000 km from Niger's Agadem oilfield to the Benin coast, was reportedly damaged. Nigerien authorities are investigating the sabotage, according to Nigerien channel Tele Sahel.
The Nigerien government has declared its plan to utilize Chad's pipeline for exporting its crude oil to the global market, the Alliance of Sahel States News reported on Tuesday.

"The Council of Ministers heard a communication from His Excellency the Prime Minister about the use of the hydrocarbon transport system through Chad's pipeline," the media cited a statement issued following a council meeting on Monday and broadcast on public television.

Referring to the "excellent relations of good neighborliness and fraternity" between Niger and Chad, the same source mentioned that a committee has been formed to handle the work required for transporting Nigerien crude oil through Chad's pipeline.
Niamey, Niger - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 22.06.2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
Niger Launches Investigation Into Sabotage of Section of Oil Pipeline to Benin, Local Media Says
Since April, Niger has been exporting its crude oil through Benin via a pipeline extending over 2,000 km, connecting the Agadem oil site to the Beninese port of Seme-Kpodji. However, on June 6, Niger stopped its oil shipments to Benin in response to the arrest by Beninese police on the previous day of its five representatives, who were supervising the loading of crude oil onto a ship at the port.
Following the coup d'état on July 26, 2023, against Niger's President Mohamed Bazoum, the relationship between the two countries has deteriorated. The Beninese authorities enforced the decision of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) by closing their border with Niger. When ECOWAS decided to lift its sanctions against Niger, the Nigerien authorities refused to reopen their border with Benin, accusing Benin of hosting French military bases. Despite denials by the Beninese authorities, Niamey has maintained its stance.
In May, Benin halted Niger's oil exports through its port, insisting that Niger reopen its border to Beninese goods and restore normal relations before allowing crude shipments to continue. However, later in the same month, Benin temporarily lifted the ban, and the two countries have agreed to meet, according to Benin's mining minister, Samou Seidou Adambi.
On Monday, former Beninese Presidents Nicephore Soglo and Boni Yayi arrived in Niger as part of a mediation effort they initiated to help ease the tensions between Niamey and Porto-Novo.