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Kenyan President Says Ready to Hold Dialogue With Protesters

© Twitter / @WilliamsRutoKenya's President William Ruto
Kenya's President William Ruto - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 26.06.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Kenyan President William Ruto said on Tuesday that he is prepared to hold a dialogue with those protesting against tax hikes.
"I am ready to join the dialogue with the protesters if it is based on constitutional mechanisms," Ruto said in an address broadcast by the local Citizen TV.
All Kenyan security forces have been mobilized to counter the protests in the country, he added.

"I assure the nation that the government has mobilized all resources at the nation's disposal to ensure that a situation of this nature will not recur again at whatever cost," Ruto said.

The Kenyan president also called the protests a threat to national security and an attack on the constitutional order of the country, adding that a full-fledged response will follow to all the "treacherous acts" committed during the protests.
Last week, a protest against tax hikes broke out in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, which prompted police to use tear gas to disperse demonstrators. Earlier on Tuesday, the KTN News broadcaster reported that at least eight people were killed during protests in Nairobi, with more than 50 injured. The Citizen TV broadcaster reported that protesters in Kenya had broken into the parliament building in Nairobi, adding that a fire had broken out in part of the building.