Sub-Saharan Africa
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US Seeks New Partners in Africa to Redeploy Troops After Forced Pullout From Niger & Chad: Media

© AP Photo
 - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 24.06.2024
In late May, Nigerien and American authorities agreed to ensure the full withdrawal of US troops from Niger by September 15, 2024. Following this decision, the Pentagon has announced that some American troops would also be withdrawn from Chad.
The US military seeks new partners in Africa to redeploy troops after forced withdrawals from Niger and Chad, US media said.
In the future, Washington will have to adapt to the position of African countries and not impose external Western ideals, the media said, citing a source from the US Defense Department.
US Africa Command welcomes new leader - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 18.05.2024
US Wants to Establish New Military Bases in Africa to Maintain Superpower Status: Kenyan Expert
The authorities of Niger and the US agreed to complete the withdrawal of US troops from the African country no later than September 15, 2024. Soon, the Pentagon announced that part of the American contingent would be withdrawn from Chad.
Commenting on these developments, former Pentagon analyst and retired US Air Force Lieutenant Karen Kwiatkowski earlier told Sputnik that such moves mark the end and failure of US neocolonial policy in Africa.