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Kenyan Leader Says He is Ready for 'Conversation' With Citizens Protesting Against Tax Increases

CC0 / Antony Trivet / Nairobi
Nairobi - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 24.06.2024
Since Tuesday, Kenya has been engulfed in protests as thousands of mostly young people voice their opposition to the government's new tax proposals outlined in the country's 2024 Finance Bill.
Kenyan President William Ruto says he is ready for "a conversation" with citizens protesting against tax increases.
Since Tuesday, Kenya has been witnessing thousands of mostly young people protesting against the government's new tax proposals for the country's 2024 Finance Bill.
The legislation includes a 2.75% levy on income for the national medical insurance plan, as well as increased taxes on vegetable oil and fuel.
However, after consultations with Ruto, the authorities removed on Tuesday a 16% value-added tax on bread and a new annual tax on motor vehicles from the bill.
On Sunday, Ruto announced that there are initiatives to address youth unemployment and enhance accessibility to higher education in the annual budget.