- Sputnik Africa, 1920
Global South Pole
Global South Pole is more than just a podcast. It’s a platform dedicated to challenging the mainstream narratives and amplifying the voices of the overlooked communities. It’s time to rewrite the maps to plant the Global South at the center.

Seeking Sanctuary: Africa's Refugee Stories

Seeking Sanctuary: Africa's Refugee Stories
As home to over a third of the world's refugees, Africa faces challenges in providing long-term solutions for these refugees and internally displaced people. Despite the efforts of governments and humanitarian organizations, the challenges remain, and the need for solutions and support for those affected is still urgent.
One of the primary causes of refugee crises in Africa is conflict, Andhira Yousif Kara, a Sudanese refugee advocate and researcher with Kenya's Ashden charity organization, says. According to her, "the biggest challenge" regarding the refugee issue is the integration concept.
The Sudanese refugee advocate praised African countries' efforts to find solutions aimed at integrating refugees into their new host communities.

"Now Uganda has an open policy to be able to ensure that there's integration when it comes to refugee policy with Kenya right now, adapting the Shirika Plan and also a new act of refugee management, moving away from encampments to settlements that refugees are going to be integrated within and contribute to the economy of the host countries," she says.

To find out what else our guest had to say, tune in to the Global South Pole podcast, brought to you by Sputnik Africa.
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